~Chapter 66~

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"So," Karina says, taking a sip from her drink, "you're going to find your aunt?"

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"So," Karina says, taking a sip from her drink, "you're going to find your aunt?"

Josephine raises her head from the pillow on the sofa. "Hopefully. I know where her healing sanctuary is."

Karina nods thoughtfully. Alora pauses in watering the plants. "You want to go today, right?"

"If that's alright with you, and if you're okay taking me," Josephine replies.

Alora smiles. "Yeah, we can apparate there."

"Thank you."

Karina leans closer to Josephine. "So, your boyfriend got engaged to another girl?"

Josephine shoots Alora a glare. "You told her?!"

"I always tell her the drama," Alora defends with a grin.

Unable to contain the laughter that bubbles up, Josephine redirects her gaze to Karina. "Yes, but we've sorted it out. He broke it off and I told him if he hurt me again I would cut his heart out with a dagger"

Karina's laughter fills the room. "Good, I'll help," she offers eagerly.

Another laugh escapes Josephine as she rests her head back.

"Go pack a bag, we can apparate a bit later," Alora instructs.

Josie nods, rising from the couch and swiftly making her way to her room.

She can't ignore the tremble in her hands as she packs.

Merlin, she's nervous. In a few hours, she could be facing her aunt. Would she be blamed? Hated?

Josephine pauses, sinking onto her bed with a sigh.

Picking at her nails, she ponders what her aunt would be like.

Kind? Caring? Or cruel?

Has the loss of her parents turned her cold?

Not that Josephine can blame her. Losing a sister... it could harden anyone.

Closing her eyes, she forces herself to take a deep breath, willing herself to calm down.

She wishes she could send a letter to Regulus, hopes desperately for a reply. Merlin, she hopes he is alright.

Rising from her bed, she packs a bag, uncertain of the duration of her stay wherever she'll end up. So she packs light, with the option to return if needed.

About an hour later, Alora's knock sounds at the door.

"Come in!" Josephine calls out, closing her trunk with a soft thud.

Alora pushes the door open slowly, a warm smile adorning her face. "You're ready to leave?" she asks.

Josephine hates how much her hands are shaking. "Yeah," she replies, forcing a smile, though Alora seems to see through it.

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