~Chapter 5~

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TW mentions of ED

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TW mentions of ED.

It is her birthday morning, and an hour has passed since she woke up, still gazing outside her room's window. Most of her friends sent her letters expressing birthday wishes.

Since her birthday coincides with two days before their departure for Hogwarts, most friends promise to give her gifts once aboard the train.

However, a tinge of melancholy lingers. The only two individuals who haven't sent letters are Pandora and Regulus. Evans note explains their parents' increasing strictness, prohibiting them from sending any correspondence.

Josephine empathizes with the situation but can't shake off the sadness. Birthdays always leave her feeling a sense of absence, as if a part of herself has been lost, perpetually yearning to retrieve it.

She blinks slowly, gazing at the myriad flowers in Alora's garden. Is her aunt feeling melancholic today? Perhaps thinking of Josephine and the imminent sixteen-year anniversary of her sister's passing?

"Merlin, this is depressing," she mutters to herself, trying to brush away the solemn thoughts.

To maintain composure, Josephine changes into different clothes before leaving her room.

"Birthday girl!" Karina's laughter welcomes Josie as she enters the kitchen.

With a forced smile, Josephine accepts Karina's embrace, immensely grateful for Alora and Karina's presence, even though her mind occasionally clouds with introspection.

"Come on, we made cake!" Karina announces, leading Josie to Alora, who has just stepped back to reveal the cake.

"Strawberry!" Josephine's eyes widen at the sight of the pink-frosted cake adorned with fresh strawberries, an authentic smile lighting up her face. "Thank you," she expresses her gratitude to Alora and Karina.

"Of course, dear," Alora responds with a gentle smile.

As they serve her a slice of cake, Josie makes a concerted effort to push away all the troubling thoughts, focusing on the warmth and kindness surrounding her.

Tomorrow, she resolves not to eat much.

Once everyone savors a slice of cake, they migrate to the living room where Alora and Karina present her with numerous wrapped gifts.

Attempting to stave off any hint of guilt, she unwraps the presents. Among them are several books and a couple of cozy sweaters, all of which she truly cherishes.

"Oh, this is beautiful," she exclaims, holding up a necklace adorned with a star pendant. Karina and Alora beam in response.

"Thank you for everything," Josephine expresses her gratitude, carefully placing the necklace back into its box. "I love everything."

"That's wonderful," Alora replies with a smile. "Now, movie time!" She claps her hands enthusiastically before rising.

"I'll just take these to my room," Josephine announces, gathering a few gifts while Karina also picks up some, accompanying her to her room to set them down.

"Let me make sure Alora isn't breaking the TV," Karina murmurs, leaving the presents and exiting the room.

Her gaze falls upon her trunk, already packed, concealing the horcrux within. She could have left it here, but the risk is too great. Taking it to Hogwarts feels safer, knowing the danger it poses.

Then her eyes catch sight of the mirror. Acting on impulse, she retrieves it and stows it away in her open trunk.

She can't pinpoint why she feels compelled to take it. With a sigh, she closes her trunk and departs from her room, heading back to the living room.

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