~Chapter 15~

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TW Blood

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TW Blood.

"No spiders this time?" She inquires of Hagrid as they prepare to leave his hut, knowing he requires assistance in gathering small critters.

"Of course not," he grunts, hoisting a sizable bucket. "Let's go!"

Josephine smiles and trails after him, wand held aloft for both of them to see.

As they venture into the actual forest, visibility dwindles, given the late hour. Yet, Josie is determined to aid Hagrid, partly driven by her recent struggle to sleep through the night without nightmares.

Fortunately, her extra makeup to conceal dark circles goes unnoticed.

Josie follows Hagrid, who pauses and mumbles to himself about the critters' supposed proximity to something. She tunes out, focusing on staying close to Hagrid to avoid getting lost.

Breaking the silence, she inquires, "What do they look like?"

"Well, they'll look like little balls of fur, really."

"Alright," she nods slowly, raising her wand higher. Hagrid halts on the path, and she walks up beside him.

"Let's look around here," he grunts, setting the large bucket on the ground.

They head in opposite directions, straying from the path in search of the elusive critters.

Balls of fur. Not the most descriptive.

Regret lingers, but Josie knows that if she isn't doing this, she would be in her bathroom having a panic attack.

Navigating the dark woods in silence, illuminated only by her wand, she focuses on the ground, careful not to snap twigs and startle the creatures.

A flash of something catches her eye. Something light blue.

Josephine draws in a breath, taking a cautious step forward.

The ball of fur—her mind draws a blank on the creature's identity—darts further ahead.

She rolls her eyes before swiftly pursuing it, her footsteps inadvertently growing louder, though she endeavors to maintain quietness.

Josephine takes a few deep breaths, halting amid a cluster of trees. Has she ventured too far from the path? Where is the path? Where is Hagrid?

Oh, fuck.

Might as well try to catch the elusive creature. She takes a few more steps, the shadows of towering trees looming over her, even with her wand aglow.

Just as she contemplates retracing her steps, a distinct sound reaches her ears.

Something resembling a howl.

Her entire being freezes.

"No, no, no," she mutters, eyes instinctively seeking the sky, only to be obstructed by the trees. Stepping back, a small opening materializes amid the tangled branches.

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