~Chapter 91~

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"Are you sure?" Josephine presses Regulus once more, her reluctance palpable even amidst the call of an order meeting

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"Are you sure?" Josephine presses Regulus once more, her reluctance palpable even amidst the call of an order meeting.

Despite the urgency of the order meeting, her heart isn't in leaving Regulus's side.

She is convinced she can skip it without consequence. Who cares about Tom's opinion, anyway?

Except, of course, she does, but it seems inconsequential in the moment.

"Go, my love," Regulus reassures her, pressing a tender kiss to her knuckles. "I'll be fine."

Josie releases a resigned sigh, her resolve wavering, but ultimately nods, bidding farewell to Evan, Barty, and Pandora before disappearing into the fireplace.

With a letter already dispatched to Tom, all that remains is attending the order meeting.

Reciting the designated location, she apparates into the familiar safe house within moments.

James and Sirius haven't arrived yet.

Picking nervously at her nails, Josephine makes her way to the dining room, the glow of enchanted candles casting dancing shadows around her.

"Ah, Miss Potter," Dumbledore's voice cuts through the dimness.

Forcing a polite smile, Josie responds, "Hello, sir. How are you?"

"I'm quite well, and yourself?"

"I'm managing," she replies, mustering a nod before taking her seat among the array of chairs.

Engaging in conversation with her parents' murderer feels...sick.

It makes her feel sick.

But she seeks solace in the distraction of picking at her nails, surrounded by familiar faces and a few strangers, likely Ministry officials whose names elude her. The murmur of conversations fills the room, a cacophony of hushed tones.

She silently prays for James or Sirius to arrive, craving the comfort of their presence.

Then, the distinct sound of people landing in the fireplace signals their arrival.

Moments later, James, Lily, Sirius, Remus, and Peter enter the room.

Sirius is whispering something mischievous into Remus's ear, earning an eye-roll from the latter.

James's gaze lingers affectionately on Lily, a silent declaration of love.

"Josie!" Lily's voice breaks through the room with warmth. "How are you?" She settles into the chair beside her, James following suit.

"I'm good, how about you two?" Josie manages a genuine smile.

"We're doing well," Lily beams, James nodding in agreement.

Sirius, Remus, and Peter occupy seats on the opposite side, returning her smile.

As Dumbledore signals the start of the meeting, Josephine's attention drifts, her focus returning only when something piques her interest.

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