~Chapter 31~

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Why did she choose to grab this infuriating mirror once again?

She isn't sure.

When Josephine awoke in the dead of night, it wasn't prompted by a nightmare; just an inexplicable feeling nudged her to rise. As she got out of bed, changed into different clothes, and clutched the handheld mirror, uncertainty crept in.

Now, Josie finds herself perched in the astronomy tower, the mirror lying face down. Is she losing her mind?

Upon reflection, perhaps she is.

"Oh, little spy..." Aras' muffled voice emanates from the mirror.

Josephine absentmindedly picks at her nails before addressing the mirror. "Is this some kind of hex? I feel a need to grab the mirror, and moments later, you show up."

Ara, despite the late hour, doesn't seem fatigued. In fact, she appears quite alert. Ara shifts slightly. "It's how the mirror works," she explains.

Josie sighs, turning her gaze back to the stars. "Are you in the astronomy tower?" Ara leans forward, trying to glean more.


Ara huffs a mock laugh before her expression turns serious. "You haven't told Tom anything, right?"

"Nothing," Josephine replies.

Ara nods with a hum. "I have something to ask of you," Ara says, her voice taking on a slightly more pleasant tone.

Josie looks back with narrowed eyes. "What?"

"I want to meet."

"No thanks."

Ara rolls her eyes. "You have no reason to trust me, I understand that," Aras' voice is low. "But it's not like I could kill you; people would notice you missing and find your body soon."

"That's comforting," Josephine does admit the allure of the persona she is currently embodying. However, the act feels somewhat repugnant, a masquerade she finds distasteful despite her proficiency in playing the part.

"You haven't told Tom anything for a reason, and I haven't disclosed anything to him either. I propose a face-to-face meeting, ensuring no chance of eavesdropping," Ara suggests.

Josephine ponders the offer. It could be a ruse, a test of her loyalty orchestrated by Tom. However, Tom believes she is unwaveringly loyal, consumed by a thirst for revenge that tethers her to him alone.

As for Ara, Josephine is intrigued by what she might want badly enough to request a meeting. Curiosity drives her to consider it, along with the assurance that she can easily assess the situation before committing. If Ara appears alone, she will converse; otherwise, Josephine will discreetly return to Hogwarts and dispose of the mirror.

No one will ever know about her rendezvous with Ara Malfoy.

"In the woods of Hogsmeade, there's a stream," Josie begins, attempting to ignore Ara's visage. "It's near the village. Meet me there tomorrow at one in the morning."

Ara takes a moment before responding. "I look forward to meeting you, little spy," and her face fades from the mirror.

Before Josephine can process the encounter, the tower door opens. She swiftly conceals the mirror, turning to face the newcomer.

"Josephine?" Regulus' weary voice speaks.

"Oh, hi," she greets with a warm smile, her shoulders relaxing.

Regulus enters, closing the door behind him before taking a seat beside her. Fatigue and a hint of distress are evident in his appearance – dark, shadowed bags under his eyes, clad in loose black pajamas, and fidgeting with his hands.

"Are you alright?" Her voice carries a gentle concern.

"I'm fine." His response lacks any hint of emotion.

Josie absentmindedly picks at her nails.

Regulus brings his hands to his eyes and rubs, as if trying to shake off his exhaustion. "I can't sleep even though I'm exhausted."

Josephine nods slowly.

Regulus lets his hands drop. "Are you alright?"

"I'm alright, just can't sleep," she replies, subtly shifting the mirror under her leg to keep it hidden from Regulus's view.

A contemplative silence settles between them as they both stare at the stars.

"I wonder what would have happened if I was born into another family," Regulus' voice is hushed, hesitant, as if verbalizing these thoughts for the first time. "I do think I would have been different, but for the worse or for the better is the question."

"I like you as you are now."

"Sometimes I wonder why that is."

Josephine shifts her focus to him. "Why I like you?"

Regulus keeps his gaze fixed on the stars. "Yes."

Her eyes narrow slightly. "I like you because of who you are. I appreciate how, when I get too lost in my thoughts, you're able to pull me out. I like how you can sense when others are upset, even when they try to hide it, and you ensure they are okay in your own way. I admire your observational skills. I appreciate how you can provide comfort without words." She stops herself from going too far. "Maybe I should make you a list," Josie teases with a smile.

His lips curve into a small smile. "Maybe," Regulus replies, keeping his gaze fixed on the stars. "It's late," he adds.

It is indeed late, and she needs to discuss Ara with Helena.

"I'm going back to my dorm to try and sleep," Josephine says. "Unless you need anything?"

"I'm alright. I'll see you in the morning, jolie fille."(Pretty girl)

Her face flushes. "Goodnight," she mutters before standing up and leaving the tower.

Josie makes her way back to the Ravenclaw tower, and upon entering, she heads up to Helena's dorm.

"Helena?" Josephine calls once she shuts the door behind her. She hasn't been checking much on the horcruxes lately, having found a box to bloodcharm the ring shut inside.

Helena appears a moment later, her eyebrows furrowed in worry. "It's late, Josie. Are you alright?"

Her transparent form drifts closer, though visibility is challenging in the dimly lit dorm.

"I'm alright. I talked with Ara, and she wants to meet."

Helena tilts her head, her form registering a hint of anger. "Why?"

"I think it has to do with Tom. I did give her a time and place to meet, but I wanted to talk with you first."

Helena drifts back. "Perhaps she is disloyal to Tom, though that's hard to believe. It's your choice if you decide to go; she could provide information from within so you could be in the know if something happens. But be wary. Maybe..." Helena pauses. "If you decide to go, make her swear a vow to you if she wants to be disloyal to Tom. Be meticulous with your words, eliminate any loopholes."

Josephine nods in agreement.

"Do be careful, Josie. I don't want to see you get hurt," Helena's voice carries a gentle concern.

"I'll be fine," Josie assures, forcing a smile. "I'll talk with you soon." With that, she discreetly leaves Helena's dorm.

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