~Chapter 90~

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"Will you go on a date with me today?" Regulus whispers against her neck, the morning sunlight filtering through the curtains, casting a soft glow on both of them nestled in bed

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"Will you go on a date with me today?" Regulus whispers against her neck, the morning sunlight filtering through the curtains, casting a soft glow on both of them nestled in bed.

"A date?" Josephine turns to him, meeting his intense gaze with a curious smile.

"Yes," he replies, his eyes reflecting a myriad of emotions.

"Sure," she answers, returning his smile as he leans in to kiss her cheek. "What time?"

"Now, if you'd like," Regulus suggests, tilting his head slightly.

"Alright," she agrees, preparing to rise and start the day, but Regulus gently pulls her back, his lips trailing kisses along her neck.

"Just five more minutes," he murmurs, his messy hair and flushed skin giving him a vibrant, healthy glow.

She finds herself drawn to the freckles scattered across his face, gently tracing them with her finger.

"You're pretty," she whispers, admiring him.

Regulus raises an eyebrow, a hint of amusement in his expression.

"Don't argue," she teases, before asking, "How do you say 'pretty boy' in French?"

His blush deepens. "Joli garçon," he replies softly.

"Joli garçon," she echoes, attempting the pronunciation. "Maybe I'll ask Evan to teach me French."

Regulus chuckles, kissing her cheek once more.

"Come on, we should get up," Josephine says, finally rising from bed.

Regulus sighs, though his eyes sparkle with fondness.

Quickly, Josephine dresses in a simple blue dress, the fabric flowing gracefully just above her knees.

"I'll be right back," Josie whispers to Regulus, pressing a tender kiss to his lips before slipping out of the room, grabbing her hairbrush along the way.

She makes her way down the corridor, her mind set on Evan's rooms.

Lightly twirling the hairbrush in her hand, Josephine pauses before Evan's door, taking a moment to gather her thoughts.

It has been a few days since Barty and Evan arrived, and Evan has been mostly hidden in his room. She can't blame him, but she makes sure both of them have been eating something. Josie then knocks on the door.

"Come in!" Evan's voice calls from inside.

Slowly, Josie pushes the door open, peeking inside. Evan lies on his bed, Barty by his side.

She half-expects to catch them in some sort of position and instinctively shields her eyes, but Evan greets her warmly.

"Josette!" he exclaims, sitting up with a smile.

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