~Chapter 83~

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"Stay safe this year," Nyla whispers, enveloping her in a hug

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"Stay safe this year," Nyla whispers, enveloping her in a hug. "And please, do send letters," Josephine chuckles softly.

"I promise, I promise," Josie assures her, releasing the hug and turning to embrace Evie.

"If you ever need a hand burying his body, just send word," Evie remarks, her tone dead serious.

Josephine bursts into louder laughter, noticing the subtle softening of Regulus' expression at the sound.

After breaking from the embrace, Josie turns to her aunt and cousin. "You both take care too. With everything going on..."

Nyla nods solemnly. "We'll catch up at Christmas?" She glances at Regulus for confirmation.

"Yes," he confirms.

"Good," Nyla says, offering Josie another smile before turning to leave with Evie. "See you in a few months."

Josephine nods in agreement as they depart.

Regulus takes her hand, halting her nervous habit of picking at her nails, then tenderly kisses her knuckles. "Are you alright?"

"Just... worried about them," she whispers, and Regulus nods in understanding.

Their bags are already packed for Hogwarts; all they need to do is apparate to the platform.

"I'll reinforce the protections outside. You check on the horcrux," she instructs him. Regulus releases her hand, nodding before heading to where they have hidden the horcrux.

Josephine grips her wand tightly and steps outside, the rhythmic sound of her shoes on the pavement echoing in the quiet.

She ensures that the existing protections are intact before adding more layers of security.

Navigating through her spells poses a challenge. She even casts a charm to ensure nearby Muggles become confused.

Merlin, she relishes the freedom of practicing magic legally, especially the more intricate spells.

Returning indoors, Josephine finds Regulus waiting for her.

"Ready to leave?" he inquires.

"I suppose," she murmurs. As he approaches, Regulus gently cradles her face. "Part of me just wants to stay here forever," she admits with a lightness in her voice.

His gaze softens. "I'd stay with you here forever if we could," he confesses, meeting her halfway as their lips meet.

"I love you," she whispers against his lips.

"I love you too," he replies, his lips tinged slightly red as they part. "But as much as we desire to stay, we must leave now or we will be late."

With a sigh, Josephine picks up her trunk. Regulus takes his and then grasps her hand, and within moments, they apparate to the wizarding side of the platform. Regulus likely has never been on the Muggle side.

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