~Chapter 56~

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(pretty sure wattpad glitched again so these may be out of order!!)

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(pretty sure wattpad glitched again so these may be out of order!!)

Josephine enters the infirmary with a sense of urgency. Despite the early hour, worry gnaws at her, propelling her to Mary's bedside.

"Josie," a whisper calls her name.

She turns to find Mary on the cot, her eyes darting around to ensure privacy before Josie approaches.

"Are you alright?" Josephine inquires softly, taking a seat beside Mary.

Mary appears better than the night before, though traces of bruises still mark her face.

"I couldn't sleep much after you left," Mary admits with a slow nod.

"I'm sorry," Josie murmurs sincerely, regret heavy in her voice. She wishes she could undo what has happened to Mary, wishes she had done more against those boys.

Her gaze flicks to the other cots, all empty. "Where are they?" she asks, referring to the perpetrators.

"Their injuries are severe. They were taken to St. Mungo's," Mary explains.

"Such a shame," Josie responds, her tone tinged with bitterness.

Mary's expression softens. "Thank you, Josie. Really, thank you."

Josie shrugs. "I only wish the third hadn't gotten away. I could track him down if you want."

"Don't," Mary insists. "I don't want to force you to hurt them."

"I wouldn't mind," Josie admits before catching herself. "Anyway, should I let your friends know you're here?"

"Yes, please," Mary replies with a grateful smile. "Thank you again, Josie."

"You don't need to thank me," Josie says, offering a small smile before standing. "I'll go find them."

As she leaves the infirmary, Josie feels a mix of emotions. She has ensured justice, sending the boys to St. Mungo's, she can't shake a sense of satisfaction. They wouldn't dare speak her name, and she has an alibi should they decide to say her name.

Heading to the Gryffindor table, Josie bypasses James and his friends to inform Lily and the others, "Mary's in the infirmary."

Lily's eyes widen with concern. "What happened?"

Josie ponders for a moment. "Not entirely sure, but Mary asked me to let you know she's in the infirmary," she says, opting for caution in relaying Mary's message.

Lily and Marlene spring to their feet. "Thank you," Marlene murmurs, and they hurry out of the Great Hall.

Josephine then makes her way to the Ravenclaw table, exchanging smiles with Pandora and Dorcas before taking a seat. She notices Regulus sitting nearby, a recent development since his engagement ended.

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