~Chapter 77~

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TW Blood, and injuries

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TW Blood, and injuries.

Josephine apparates with a dismissive disregard for the law, her only concern evading detection in her discreet apparition.

Chances are slim anyone will take notice, especially amidst the rampant attacks, let alone in France.

Following the address Alora has provided, Josephine inwardly thanks her as she finds herself near the cliff's edge, recoiling a step in surprise.

Fortunately, she had changed her attire and grabbed her bag before her departure, now clad in a simple black ensemble with the bag slung over her shoulder.

Amidst the crashing waves against the rocky shore, Josephine draws a steadying breath before turning her attention to her objective.

There stands Regulus, accompanied by a house elf, his gaze momentarily skyward before returning to the creature.

"Regulus Black!" Josephine's voice carries irritation as she rushes toward him. "Are you an idiot?"

Regulus turns to face her, the house elf mirroring his movement, relief washing over Josephine at the sight.

"You absolute idiot!" She doesn't afford him a chance to respond, her palm meeting his chest in a resounding slap. "You were just gonna destroy a Horcrux? Do you even comprehend the magnitude of—" Her tirade halts abruptly as Regulus takes a step back, his expression inscrutable.

The house elf appears bewildered but remains faithfully at Regulus's side.

Regulus doesn't retreat another step, like he can not bring himself to. "I know," he utters simply.

"Know what?" Josephine demands, her breath coming in heavy gasps. She nervously picks at her nails, overwhelmed by the flood of relief coursing through her. How has he learned about the horcrux?

He isn't dead. He won't die. Regulus is alive.

That is all that matters.

Regulus draws a deep breath, slipping something into his pocket. "You're the Dark Lord's spy."

Josephine feels herself freeze in place.

He knows.

Regulus knows.

"You know," she echoes, panic already coursing through her veins.

Will he despise her?

Has that fear always lurked beneath the surface, unspoken but ever-present? That Regulus will come to hate her?

Josie understands. After all, she has woven her fair share of lies to shield them, to safeguard their well-being, but...

"Have you brought him with you? Are you here to stop me?" Regulus's gaze bores into her, a mixture of shock and intensity evident in his eyes. But also some...deep emotion. Love perhaps? She isn't sure.

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