~Chapter 14~

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Josie finds herself once again in the library, immersed in the creation of new spells

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Josie finds herself once again in the library, immersed in the creation of new spells. This time, her focus is on something related to water.

The inspiration strikes after reading a fascinating book recently. Her goal is to craft a spell that can conjure water with a chilling touch, capable of weakening enemies and slowing them down.

After locating the necessary incantations in the Latin book she carries everywhere, Josephine whispers the words to herself before diligently recording them in her journal.

As she finishes, a glance at the clock reveals that she is running late for potions. Panicking, she hastily packs her belongings and leaves the library in a rush. In her haste, she collides with someone in the hallway, causing her books to scatter.

Her grip on the books was not secure, a hand on her waist from a familiar voice steadies her. "Josephine," Regulus says.

"Hi," she mumbles, stepping back as they both bend down to retrieve her scattered books. "Shouldn't you be in potions?" she asks.

"I was looking for you since you weren't there," he admits, holding two of her books for her.

Smiling to herself, Josie walks with Regulus to potions. "I'm experimenting with more spells," she confesses.

Regulus tilts his head, curious. "Which ones have you created recently?"

"Just some protection spells," she lies. "I'm actually drawing inspiration from books I've read before."

Regulus's lips twitch. "Pandora has made some spells too; she enjoys experimenting."

"I didn't know she created her own spells. It's a smart idea to be more specific with your magic," Josephine remarks, turning to Regulus, who has a certain expression on his face. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

He blinks and shakes off whatever trance he's in. "Can't I admire my beautiful girl?" he teases, taking advantage of the empty hallways to flirt.

"Stop," she mutters. Compliments are enjoyable, but she struggles with how to respond or express gratitude for them.

Regulus smirks at her but refrains from replying as they reach the potions classroom. Josephine enters first and heads to their table.

Regulus joins her, and they both sit down as Slughorn commences the lesson. Despite Slughorn's dull voice, she makes an effort to pay attention, knowing potions isn't her strongest subject.

Once the instructions conclude, Josephine goes to gather the required ingredients. It's a simple wound-cleaning potion, according to Slughorn.

Returning to their table, she lays out all the components. "This potion is easy," Regulus mutters. "I've made it before."

His words leave her feeling uneasy, suspecting he has brewed it to tend to a wound at his home.

Frowning, she looks at Regulus. "Can I try making it? I promise I won't mess up this time."

"You can, just be careful," he advises.

Nodding with a smile, she begins creating the potion. Following the instructions makes the process relatively straightforward. Regulus hands her the next ingredients in sequence until she completes the task.

Stepping back slightly, she hopes the potion won't explode. "Did I do it right?" she asks Regulus.

He nods. "Good job."

Her smile brightens as Slughorn approaches. "Great job! Ten points to Ravenclaw and Slytherin."


"I need help," Josephine looks up from the book she has just grabbed off the shelf. Sirius stands in front of her.

"Yes?" She raises her brow.

"The charms homework... I don't get it."

"Can't Remus help you?" she asks.

"Yes, but I want your help."

Her eyes narrow, but she beckons him to follow her to the table she is sitting at.

"Do you actually want help or do you just want to copy mine?" Josie sits down in her seat as Sirius joins her.

"I want help."

That puzzles her. Usually, he would just copy or ask Remus for help. Sirius could be smart; she knows that, but he doesn't apply himself to the lessons.

"Alright," she nods. Sirius shoves his books onto the table, opens his own book, and flips to where he has started the homework.

She helps him for a few minutes before Sirius clears his throat.

"How is Regulus?"

Ah, so that is why he has come to her for help.

"Ask him yourself," she simply replies.

"I try to, I don't think he wants to talk with me, I would either." Sirius's usual demeanor falters.

"Listen," Josephine starts. "Regulus doesn't talk with me much about his home life. I guess mostly just from what you've told me, but I don't push him for anything. He may just be upset with you, and that's okay. But stop blaming yourself for leaving."

Sirius flinches back, as though that is the first time someone has told him that.

So she continues. "You left because you needed to, and that's okay."

Sirius takes a deep breath. "Thanks, Josie," he mutters. Josephine gives him a small smile. "Now I have to go, I have to patrol." She stands from her seat, grabs her things, and leaves.

She isn't sure why Sirius feels the need to include her in their family drama, so what if she is dating Regulus?

"Hello," she greets Regulus once she makes it to the great hall doors.

"Josephine." Patrol would start within a few minutes. They usually allow students a few minutes on lenient times just so they can make it to their common rooms.

She leans beside him against the wall, gently untangling some pieces of her hair.

"Regulus," she says.


"I know we don't talk much about what happens at your home, but... I hope you know I'll listen if you ever wanted to." She doesn't look at him as he turns to look at her. Josie stays focused on untangling a piece of her hair. The conversation with Sirius is what makes her say it.

She does want to be there for Regulus.

"I thought Sirius told you everything about what happened," his voice seems rather blank.

"Only some, and I'd like to hear it from you."

Suddenly, Regulus moves to stand in front of her. She looks up with a hesitant look.

He gives her a small smile before cupping the side of her face and kissing her. They both smile into the kiss.

"Thank you," he mumbles against her lips.

"I didn't do anything," she whispers. He simply leans in and kisses her again.

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