~Chapter 19~

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TW SMUT, insecure thoughts, and ed mentions, scars and self harm mentions

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TW SMUT, insecure thoughts, and ed mentions, scars and self harm mentions.(Guys I tried to re read this for mistakes but I cringe, i literally can not😭 This literally sucks so feel free to skip!!! I will certainly pretend I didn't write this!!)

"Another one?" Josephine questions Dorcas. Dorcas sifts through clothes, while Pandora, also contemplating getting ready for the party, stares up at the ceiling from Josie's bed, mumbling to herself.

Even though she has been invited, Josie initially declined, not really having a reason other than a lack of desire. However, as Dorcas continues talking about it, a growing curiosity compels her to reconsider. The party is in the Slytherin common room.

Pandora sits up, saying, "I think you should come, but if you don't want to, that's fine." She then smiles, stands up, and begins perusing Dorcas's clothes to pick an outfit.

Josephine picks at her nails in thought. "Alright, I'll go," she decides.

"Yay!" Dorcas claps her hands. "Outfit time!"

Josie sifts through some outfits she has bought but never worn, feeling they don't look as good on her as they did on the store model. She chooses a black short skirt and a black sweetheart neckline shirt. The skirt is shorter than what she usually wears, so she considers wearing tights underneath.

"Oh, I love that," Dorcas exclaims. "You have to wear it."

"I don't know, it's... kind of short," Josephine hesitates.

"Just try it, alright?"

A few minutes later, she scrutinizes herself in the bathroom mirror. The outfit is tight, and she hates how she looks in it. However, she knows Pandora and Dorcas are waiting to see her outfit. Maybe she should wear it. Having barely eaten anything all day, she hopes she looks okay.

Finally, she sighs before opening the door and stepping out, wearing black sheer tights under the short skirt for a bit more coverage.

"You look so pretty," Pandora says, standing up with a bright smile and walking over.

"You look hot," Dorcas adds.

"Spin!" Pandora grabs her hand and makes her twirl around.

Josephine laughs again, and the three of them finish getting ready. Josie adds some jewelry, touches up her makeup, applies strawberry perfume, and puts on her shoes. Pandora, already prepared, is back lying on Josie's bed.

"Are you alright?" Josephine asks, tying up her boots.

"I'm fine; I just had a weird dream earlier," Pandora replies.

"Oh?" Josie turns from the small bench in front of her bed to face Pandora.

"It was probably nothing." Pandora sits up and gives her a small smile before Dorcas emerges from the bathroom.

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