~Chapter 6~

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Josephine surveys her room, double-checking that she hasn't forgotten anything

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Josephine surveys her room, double-checking that she hasn't forgotten anything. The setting evokes memories of her first year at Hogwarts, a thought that brings a frown to her face.

Absentmindedly picking at her nails, Josie rechecks her closet, before her gaze shifts to the mirror. The blue streak in her hair is gone, back to its natural color.

Gathering her trunk, she leaves her room. Honestly she is surprised that there hasn't been an order meeting for a bit despite the recent attack. The memory of the incident brings to mind the lingering bruises, now fading but still a reminder.

She suppresses thoughts of the man's death, attempting to bury them deep within her mind, though the sensation of blood on her hands lingers mentally, an unshakable presence.

Lost in thought, she finds herself in the kitchen without realizing how she got there, her trunk placed by the door.

"Good morning," Alora greets with tiredness in her voice, joined by Karina, seemingly cherishing every moment together before parting.

Offering a small smile, Josie sits down. She feels far from sixteen, distant from the typical teenage experience, as if she has shouldered the responsibilities of an adult for years.

Her reverie is interrupted as a cup of tea appears before her. Sipping it, she engages in idle conversation during breakfast, mostly pushing the food around.

Rising from the table, she allows Alora and Karina a private moment, bringing Alora's trunk close to the door.

"Alright," Alora says, approaching with Karina in tow. "Let's get going."

Giving Karina a hug and a smile, Alora grabs Josie's arm, and with a side-along apparition, they vanish towards the platform.

The muggle side of the station is unusually sparse, a sight that strikes Josie as peculiar. Dismissing it alongside Alora, they proceed through the wall into the wizarding side.

Upon stepping onto the magical side, Josephine immediately notices the notable absence of the usual crowd of people. A crease forms on her forehead as she scans the platform.

It is evident that many students haven't returned this year, likely due to the recent attacks. There are still some present – wide-eyed first years taking in the sights and older students who appear more subdued.

The crimson train, a symbol of wonder since her first year, stands prominently. Her grip on her trunk tightens reflexively.

"I'll be in the teachers' compartment," Alora announces before departing.

In the midst of searching for her friends, a familiar voice calls out her name, causing Josie to turn. "Josie!" Dorcas approaches with a radiant smile. "Happy birthday!"

Josie chuckles as Dorcas envelops her in a hug. "It's great to see you—I haven't—" Dorcas's words are cut short by someone pushing her.

"Josette!" Evan exclaims, planting a kiss on her cheek, causing Josie to stumble slightly as he drapes an arm around her. "Hi, Evan."

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