~Chapter 25~

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"Wake up," Josephine insists, her voice gaining a touch of urgency without disrupting the dorm's tranquility

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"Wake up," Josephine insists, her voice gaining a touch of urgency without disrupting the dorm's tranquility. Though she is excited about the snowfall outside, she is considerate not to disturb the other girls.

Having awoken to the snowy spectacle, Josie hastily prepared herself before attempting to rouse Dorcas.

"It's snowing, Dorcas; wake up!" she exclaims.

Dorcas jolts awake, prompting Josie to retreat a bit as her friend sits up, eyes wide.

"It's snowing!" Dorcas announces enthusiastically, prompting a chorus of curses from the other girls in the dorm. "Sorry," Dorcas adds, lacking any genuine remorse.

"Should I check if Pandora and the boys want to join?" Josephine proposes.

"Yes," Dorcas agrees, getting up and stumbling toward the bathroom.

Suppressing a laugh, Josie leaves her dorm and walks down a few doors before quietly entering Pandora's room. Pandora is already awake, sitting up and gazing out the window.

"Pandora," Josephine whispers near the door.

Pandora turns, her blonde hair swaying with the movement. She raises an eyebrow at Josie.

"It's snowing. Want to join Dorcas and me for a snowball fight?" Josephine asks.

Pandora's face lights up with a smile. Already dressed warmly, she replies, "Yes," keeping her voice down for the other girls in the room.

"I'll wake the boys; let's meet in the courtyard," Pandora declares, rushing past Josie.

Suppressing another laugh, Josephine exits Pandora's room and closes the door. At least she avoids the trek down to the cold dungeons.

As she passes her dorm, Dorcas emerges, running toward her.

"Let's go!" Dorcas exclaims, grabbing Josie's arm and pulling her along.

Josephine doesn't argue, recognizing the futility.

Dorcas drags her outside until they reach the courtyard doors. Upon opening them, a blast of cold air hits them. Undeterred, Dorcas pulls her out into the lightly snow-covered courtyard.

With smiles exchanged, Josie and Dorcas split off into opposite directions, ready for their snowy escapade.

The snow crunches beneath Josephines shoes as she strolls to her designated area in the courtyard, ready to engage in a serious snowball fight this year. Each step sends a satisfying crunch through the icy ground.

As she surveys the landscape, her breath materializes in the cold air. Josie seeks the ideal spot to construct her fortress.

Just as the courtyard doors swing open, Pandora and the boys emerge. A silent exchange of glances between Josephine and Dorcas precedes their joint approach.

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