~Chapter 32~

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Josephine's gaze remains fixed on the clock on the wall; the ritual of picking at her nails is the only anchor keeping her grounded.

It is nearing one in the morning.

If she wants to meet Ara, now is the time to leave.

Josie sighs, running a hand through her hair.

Following Helena's advice, she has meticulously devised terms without any loopholes.

Should she go?

That is the lingering question.

Josephine continues to pick at her nails for a few seconds before rising from the chair in Helena's room and quietly exiting.

Merlin, this is dumb.

Nevertheless, she is going to proceed.

Leaving the Ravenclaw common room, she stealthily traverses the halls until discovering a hidden passageway leading to Hogsmeade—specifically, the woods.

It is in close proximity to the designated meeting spot with Ara.

Her breathing quickens as she walks down the passageway, nerves escalating. Perhaps she should turn back now.

Yet, she presses on. At least she isn't cold, clad in warm attire—a thick black sweater and overly warm pants.

The passageway seems endless, each step intensifying her nervousness.

However, it provides an opportunity to contemplate Ara's motives. Undoubtedly, it has something to do with Tom. Ara consistently emphasizes Josephine's silence about their dealings with Tom. But why wouldn't Ara trust Tom?

The only conceivable explanation is that Ara's outward persona is a façade. She has ascended through the Death Eater ranks by projecting a particular image. So, perhaps Ara isn't truly loyal to Tom.

Josie acknowledges that Tom is capable of heinous acts; murder and torture are not unfamiliar to him, often committed without apparent reason. If Ara holds the position of his most crucial Death Eater, she bears witness to such atrocities.

Perhaps, just maybe, Tom inflicts harm upon Ara as well.

It makes sense. Realistically, it does. Josephine suspects that the only reason Tom refrains from physically harming her is because he needs something. Additionally, her connection to the Ravenclaw founder, being a distant relative, seems to evoke some inexplicable bond in Tom's eyes.

While Josie has always been aware of these dynamics, she concealed them, even from herself. She avoids confronting the harsh reality of the situation.

At least she admits it to herself.

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