~Chapter 93~

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"Josie!" Pandora's voice echoes from downstairs

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"Josie!" Pandora's voice echoes from downstairs. "There's a letter for you!"

"I'm coming!" Josephine calls back, swiftly descending the stairs in the library.

Pandora enters the lower level of the library just as Josephine reaches the bottom step.

"Here," Pandora says, extending the sealed letter to her.

"Thank you," Josie replies, taking the letter and tearing it open hastily. Pandora nods and leaves the room.

It is from James.

His unmistakable handwriting sprawls across the page.


I believe you. Where can we meet?


Her hands pause, frozen on the page.

He believes her?

Josephine forces herself to inhale deeply. James believes her.

A flood of relief washes over her, momentarily overwhelming.

She hasn't dared to hope he would believe her. In her mind, she has prepared for rejection, bracing herself for his disbelief.

But he believes her.

He chose to believe her.

He chose her.

A rush of childlike happiness sweeps over Josephine, mingled with a tinge of melancholy. It saddens her that something as simple as being believed can evoke such joy.

Clutching the letter tightly, she ascends the stairs back to their room, where she knows Regulus will be, likely engrossed in a book.

"He believes me!" she exclaims the moment she enters, her excitement bubbling over. Regulus looks up from his seat on the sofa, a warm smile gracing his features as he rises to greet her.

"He does?" Regulus steps closer, his expression mirroring her elation.

She nods vigorously, thrusting the letter into his hands. Their fingers brush lightly, sending a jolt of warmth through her.

Regulus appears genuinely pleased, his happiness evident, if only because she is happy.

"I need to write him back. Can you fetch Pandora's owl?" She reclaims the letter, and Regulus nods before exiting the room.

Turning to her desk, Josephine wastes no time in composing her response. She simply provides her address and suggests a meeting time, her nerves beginning to flutter in anticipation.

But James believes her, and for now, that is enough.


"Stop overthinking," Regulus gently guides her hands into his, to stop her from picking at her nails.

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