~Chapter 98~

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Josephine slowly stirs milk into the tea she has just made

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Josephine slowly stirs milk into the tea she has just made.

She woke up early, even before Regulus, and snuck away into the kitchen to make tea.

Her mind cannot escape the haunting image of the girl's body.


Killed by her.

Josie never imagined taking a life, yet within days, she has killed two people.

She wonders how many Death Eaters Regulus and Evan have killed.

"Josette?" She flinches and turns toward the kitchen entryway. Evan stands there, his hair messy and his eyes tired as he slowly walks inside.

"Good morning," Josephine greets, turning back to her tea as Evan moves to sit beside her.

"Are you alright?" he asks.

She nods slightly. Evan gives her a look but doesn't press further.

Josephine is about to say something when someone comes running into the kitchen.

Regulus appears, looking frantic, only to relax when he sees her with Evan.

She raises her brows slightly, questioning. It looks as though Regulus has jumped out of bed, searching for something—


She realizes he must have been worried when he found her missing.

"Take this," Josephine says, handing Evan the tea she hasn't even sipped. "You can have it."

"Thank you!" Evan's response is barely heard as she stands up and quickly guides Regulus out of the kitchen and into the hall.

"I'm sorry," Josephine immediately apologizes. "I didn't think before getting up. I'm sorry."

Regulus takes a deep breath, as if struggling to steady himself. "It's... it's fine. I was just worried."

Josie grabs his hand. "Still, I'm sorry. I'll wake you up next time."

He doesn't reply, simply leaning down to rest his head on her shoulder. Josephine can't help but smile at the gesture.

"Come back to bed with me," he mumbles.

She lets out a slight laugh. "I wish... but I need to tell the others what happened and discuss the plan to get the last Horcrux."

Regulus pulls back slightly, a small frown on his face.

"Come on," she says, tugging him back upstairs. "We need to change clothes. We're both still in our pajamas."

"Whatever," Regulus mumbles as he follows her.

Another small laugh escapes her lips.

Eventually, they make it up the stairs, and both get ready for the day quickly—or as quickly as possible, considering Regulus stays close to her the entire time.

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