~Chapter 23~

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TW SMUT!!!(Its better this time I think😁😁)

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TW SMUT!!!(Its better this time I think😁😁)

It is Halloween, and surprisingly, she, Pandora, and Dorcas are all getting ready in Pandora's dorm this time.

Of course, Pandora's dorm is similar to theirs, with a few differences.

Josephine finishes braiding a section of her hair, allowing it to fall freely. Intertwined within the braid are pieces of blue ribbon and a few beads.

Josie is going all out with the mermaid theme, especially since Regulus is dressing up as a pirate. A subtle matching touch that no one else would really notice.

She is mostly ready, only needing to add a few accessories. Silver arm bands from Pandora adorn her arms, complementing the necklace Regulus had given her for her birthday. Its darkish blue hues harmonize perfectly with her outfit.

Her eye makeup features a dark blue, a simple yet enchanting glitter eye look accentuated by bold eyeliner. After putting on the necklace, she adds a pearl waist piece with cascading layers of pearls.

Going all out, she crowns the ensemble with a headpiece resembling a crown, adorned with carefully aligned pearls reaching a small peak. The overall effect is nothing short of stunning.

"Alright," Pandora emerges from the bathroom. "How do I look?" She twirls around in an all-white dress with grayish makeup.

"Gorgeous and ghostly," Josie replies, standing up to join Pandora.

Dorcas is busy tying her shoes, preparing for the unique twist on the Romeo and Juliet theme she and Marlene are going for.

Pandora's eyes widen upon seeing Josephine's outfit. "You look so beautiful!"

"Thank you," Josie laughs, aware that the dress is a bit short but opting for no tights this time. Without them, she finds herself pulling the dress down every few minutes.

"We look so hot," Dorcas declares.

Laughter fills the room before they leave Pandora's dorm. The party is once again in the Slytherin common room, with invitations extended to other houses this time.

As they make their way to the dungeons, Pandora whispers the password Barty had given them earlier that day, and they enter to find a bustling crowd. The party is already in full swing, and they may have been fashionably late.

The music blares, drowning out any hope of hearing the lyrics over the cacophony of people talking and laughing.

Josie can't see much before Dorcas pulls her and Pandora into the crowd, eager to dance.

Surprisingly, it's genuinely fun this time – to laugh and dance with Dorcas and Pandora. There are even a few other girls she dances with, including some from Gryffindor like Lily and Mary.

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