~Chapter 86~

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TW mentions of ED.

It is the final day of school, a bittersweet moment for Josephine as she steps into Helena's dormitory. The air feels heavy with the weight of impending farewells.

"Hello," Josie greets softly as she closes the door behind her, her gaze meeting Helena's somber expression by the fireplace.

"Hello, Josephine," Helena replies, her voice tinged with a hint of sadness. "I suppose you're here for the Horcruxes, to take them with you as you leave."

Josie nods in acknowledgment. "Thank you, for everything you've helped me with," she expresses, taking a few steps closer. "I swear I will take both of them down." Her voice resonates with the sincerity of her promise.

Helena lets out a small sigh, her gaze softening. "I only want you safe, Josephine. That is all I wish for you to promise."


The word lingers in the air, its weight pressing down on Josephines thoughts. Will she ever truly feel safe again? Even after Tom and Dumbledore are defeated, will she find solace from the shadows of her past, or will she remain on edge, haunted by the fear of what could still be lurking?

Josephine grapples with the complexity of her relationship with Tom, the unspoken truths hanging heavily between them.

"I wish I could promise that to you," Josie admits, her voice trailing off, leaving the unspoken fears hanging in the air.

Helena's expression softens, her eyes reflecting a mixture of pride and concern. "I want you to know how proud I am of you," she says, her voice unwavering. "No matter what you do, I will always be proud of you. You have been so brave in this journey. I am proud."

The weight of Helena's words settles over Josie like a heavy blanket, stirring emotions she has long suppressed. Swallowing the tightness in her throat, she attempts to push back the rising tide of emotion, forcing herself to remain composed in the face of uncertainty.

"Thank you, Helena," Josephine murmurs, lightly wiping under her eyes. "Goodbye."

"Goodbye, Josephine," Helena whispers back, her words barely audible before she vanishes, leaving Josie standing alone in the dormitory.

For a moment, Josie stares at the empty space where Helena had been, half-wondering if it's all been a dream. But reality quickly asserts itself, and she takes a deep breath, trying to quell the rising tide of emotion threatening to overwhelm her.

With determined resolve, Josephine proceeds to the closet in Helena's dorm, meticulously undoing all the protective enchantments on the diadem before carefully stashing it away in her bag.

She returns everything to its rightful place before retrieving the box containing the ring and tucking it securely into her bag as well.

Standing in the bathroom, she finds herself gazing at the tiles on the floor, each one a silent witness to the passing of time. The realization that this is her last day at Hogwarts weighs heavily on her heart, casting a shadow over her thoughts.

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