~Chapter 99~

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Josephine checks her bag for the third time

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Josephine checks her bag for the third time. She has probably overpacked, but she isn't sure how long this mission will take or how long they will be gone.

Today, they are going after the last horcrux. Thankfully, the bag she has is charmed to hold more than it appears to, and she can make it compact enough to stay hidden.

"It's going to be okay," Regulus assures her, grabbing her hand.

"You don't know that," she replies, gently pulling her hand back to close her bag before making it small.

They still need to change into the clothes Ara has given her, and Josephine isn't looking forward to wearing a corset. She is surprised Bellatrix would willingly wear one.

"Go change into these," she says, handing him the clothes for Bellatrix's husband. Regulus takes them from her, his face slightly blank.

Josephine has already given Evan the other pair of clothes.

"I'll change into Bellatrix's," she says, unable to keep the frustration out of her tone as she stares at the pile of Bellatrix's clothes. They will be tight until she drinks the potion to turn into Bellatrix.

Regulus raises his brows slightly, questioning her tone.

"It has a corset," Josie mumbles. "I'm not looking forward to that."

His lips twitch slightly.

"Change," she tells him again.

Regulus stands up from the bed, kisses her temple, and goes into the bathroom.

Josephine begins to change into Bellatrix's clothes. The dress has tights, and thankfully, she and Bellatrix wear the same shoe size. The black dress is long-sleeved, and she has a pair of fingerless gloves. The corset goes over the dress, and there is a small cape with black detailing.

Merlin, she can't even put the corset on.

The dress reveals a lot more at the top than she usually does.

Josephine struggles to put the laces through the corset, growing increasingly frustrated.

"Stupid fucking corset," she mutters, attempting the laces once more.

Regulus has just finished changing and emerges from the bathroom. He looks rather dashing in his outfit—a suit with a white loose shirt and a black vest.

Regulus lets his eyes trail down her outfit as he walks closer.

"A bit weird to see you in my cousin's clothes," he mumbles as he pauses behind her.

"Can you tie the corset for me?" Josie turns to ask him.

Regulus nods, gesturing for her to turn back around. She does so, and he begins to lace the corset with ease.

"Tighter," Josephine says.

Regulus's hands pause slightly, but he listens to her and makes the laces tighter. A few seconds later, he steps back.

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