~Chapter 62~

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TW smut!!(i hate it but

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TW smut!!(i hate it but...whatever!!)

"So," Pandora pauses, carefully applying the finishing touch of her lipstick. "You two are back together."

"I suppose," Josephine replies tersely.

They are together again. It feels... good. To reclaim him as hers once more. Though as she told Regulus, she has not fully forgiven him yet.

And she struggles to silence the inner voice labeling her actions as foolish, even though deep down, she knows it's the truth.

Despite recognizing the folly of being with him, Josie absently picks at her nails, a futile attempt to ground herself in reality.

"Well, I hope you follow your heart. If it brings you joy, then I'm genuinely happy for you," Pandora offers a supportive smile.

"Thank you, Pandora," Josie replies softly.

With Dorcas already off on a date with Marlene, Josephine is already dressed for their Hogsmeade excursion. Her plans are modest: acquire a few books and, perhaps, search for one on shadow craft. She hasn't delved much into the stolen book yet; it's barely been a day since she took it.

"Alright, I'm ready now," Pandora announces, finishing with her bracelets. "Let's go!"

They swiftly exit the dorm, and quickly make their way outside, stepping into the oppressive summer heat that Josephine detests.

The boys are already waiting outside, and Pandora wastes no time in guiding Josephine towards them.

"Hello!" Pandora greets cheerfully, eliciting smiles from all the boys.

"Josette!" Evan exclaims, pulling her away from Pandora and draping an arm around her.

"Evan," Josie acknowledges with a nod, stealing a glance at Regulus, who looks particularly fetching. Are her thoughts fixated on his hands? Perhaps.

They begin their journey to the village, with Evan eventually joining Barty's side, leaving Josie alone with Regulus. A spike of nerves shoots through her.

"Where are you planning to go today?" he asks, his head tilted curiously. She quickly averts her gaze from his hands.

"Probably just the bookstore. One of my favorite authors recently released a new book that I've been eager to read. How about you?"

"Maybe Honeydukes, I owe Evan some candy apparently," he replies with a bitter yet amused tone.

Josephine chuckles softly. "Just make sure Barty doesn't catch wind of it; he'll likely hide it from Evan."

His lips twitch in response.

They reach the village swiftly, and Josephine wastes no time breaking away from the group to head to the bookstore. As she pushes open the door, the bell chimes, alerting the person behind the counter who lifts their head.

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