~Chapter 4~

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Today, she and Alora are heading to Diagon Alley to gather all of her required books

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Today, she and Alora are heading to Diagon Alley to gather all of her required books.

Josie remains in a fog; the past few days blur together. Usually sharp with her memory, she struggles to recall even yesterday's events.

After donning a braided bracelet, she looks at herself in the mirror, deeming her appearance acceptable before grabbing her bag and departing her room.

Anticipating that Alora is still getting ready, Josephine begins brewing coffee for her before settling down.

The peculiar mirror still rests on her table. She speculates it might serve as a means of communication, yet the reason Ara gave it to her perplexes her.

Are is Tom Riddle's most significant Death Eater.

The creak of a door disrupts her thoughts. "Coffee?" Alora mumbles wearily upon entering.

Josie chuckles as Alora promptly fixes herself a cup.

"Do you have your book list?" Alora inquires.

"Yep," Josie confirms, along with a bag of money for any necessary purchases.


Upon arriving at Diagon Alley, Josephine surveys the bustling scene, noticing the crowds of people, yet sensing an overall air of tension among them.

Her gaze inadvertently lands on a newspaper displayed in a window, detailing the recent Death Eater attack at the World Cup. A lump forms in her throat, prompting her to swiftly avert her eyes.

But then she notices James and Euphemia.

Their gazes meet briefly, causing Josie to nervously pick at her nails before muttering, "I'll go get my books," to Alora.

Alora nods and ventures into a nearby store, having her own agenda for the day.

Trying to avoid James and Euphemia, Josie navigates through the bustling crowd, finally stepping out of the alley and into a store, aiming to find her seventh-year Charms book.

Glancing around the store, she looks back at the paper, which lists the books she requires.

"Josie," James's voice calls out behind her.

She freezes, debating whether she can swiftly escape unnoticed. But his second call halts her movement.

With a resigned sigh, she turns to face him. "James," she greets, edging closer to the door.

James appears slightly nervous. She harbors no ill feelings toward him, but she isn't prepared to confront this situation right now.

Perhaps it is selfish of her, avoiding it just because she doesn't feel capable of handling it at the moment.

"Mum wanted you to have this," James says, stepping closer and offering her a bag.

Frowning, she asks, "What's in it?" Eyeing the bag without accepting it.

"Money," James replies.

Meeting his gaze, she hesitates, replying, "I don't want it," though part of her does. Pride holds her back from taking it.

"Josie," James insists, holding out the money, "just take it, even if you don't want it."

Josephine fidgets with her nails before stopping herself, reaching out to accept the small bag. Bringing it close, she looks up. "Tell her I said thank you." With that, she turns away to search for her needed book.

Minutes later, she emerges from the store, clutching the required Charms book. Scanning the area, she hopes to spot Regulus, but he isn't there.

Her dark eyes roam until she sees Pandora, who gives her a small smile. Josie waves in response before heading toward the next store she needs to visit.

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