~Chapter 27~

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Josephine completes writing the newly devised spell, and a satisfied smile adorns her face

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Josephine completes writing the newly devised spell, and a satisfied smile adorns her face. It may seem peculiar to smile after crafting a potentially lethal spell.

The smile falters momentarily, and she makes a conscious effort to shake off the unease. Having spent a good two hours in Helena's dorm, Josephine focused on her studies, spell creation, and delving into ancient magical techniques.

Anticipating the scheduled meeting in Dumbledore's office, she recalls the note from James with the meeting time. However, honesty compels her to acknowledge a twinge of guilt lingering in Dumbledore's presence – the very person responsible for her parents' demise. Yet, the comforting notion of his eventual demise, hopefully at her hands, eases her discomfort.

Pushing aside these thoughts, she reaches for a book she has unearthed deep in the library and randomly flips through its pages. Amidst her reading, the term "Blood charming" catches her attention, piquing her interest.

Her eyebrows raise as she delves into the details. The ability to blood charm items shut intrigues her – a notion forming in her mind. Josie contemplates using this technique to secure a horcrux in a box, sealing it with a blood charm accessible only to her.

With determination, she grabs a quill, dips it in ink, and documents her findings. The exploration of ancient magic has yielded numerous intriguing discoveries.

Glancing at the clock on the wall, she realizes she needs to leave immediately to avoid being late for the meeting. Sighing, Josie stacks the books neatly under Helena's bed to prevent them from gathering dust, having tidied up the room earlier.

Closing the journal, she conceals it in a discreet compartment within the nightstand. Exiting Helena's dorm, Josephine heads towards Dumbledore's office, ready for the impending meeting.


Seated at the meeting, Josie finds herself rather unenthusiastic. The discussion has already covered all the pertinent information, primarily centered around grim news of people dying  and the presence of informants within the Death Eaters. Though that revelation heightened her tension, she managed to conceal it from the others.

Euphemia and Fleamont are notably absent, and the attendance is sparse. As Dumbledore mentioned a mission, Josephine wonders if any of them are involved. None of them will be able to go on a mission until they are older.

Beneath the table, Josie absentmindedly picks at her nails, eagerly anticipating Dumbledore's signal to conclude the meeting. A sudden scrape of a chair beside her catches her off guard, and she turns with a startled expression.

A woman with fiery red hair takes a seat, wearing a warm and comforting smile. "You're Euphemia's daughter, aren't you?"

Josephine nods slowly. "Yes. You must be Molly Weasley?"

Her smile grows warmer. "Indeed. You seem rather downcast. Is everything alright, dear?"

In truth, nothing is alright. Josie forces a smile. "I'm alright, just been studying a lot," she replies, offering a half-truth.

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