~Chapter 60~

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"Don't mess up my hair," Josephine warns Evan, who has somehow convinced her he can braid

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"Don't mess up my hair," Josephine warns Evan, who has somehow convinced her he can braid. Now, he is attempting to prove it.

"I've never dealt with curly hair before, okay?" Evan tugs at a strand, eliciting an immediate reaction.


"You've got a sensitive head," Evan mutters, trying to work through the curls.

"Stop yanking!" Josephine winces, attempting to move away, but Evan persists.

They find themselves seated by a window in one of Hogwarts' corridors, ostensibly studying ancient ruins.

Evan sighs, still braiding. "It's been years since I've done this; cut me some slack."

Josephine frowns, though he can't see it from behind her. Perhaps he used to do this for his sister. The thought touches her.

Evan tugs again. "Ouch!"

He chuckles. "Alright, alright, I'm done." His hands retreat.

Josephine reaches up to inspect her hair. Most of it is braided neatly, with a few loose strands remaining.

"Thank you, Evan," she says, turning to offer a grateful smile.

Evan's blue eyes sparkle with a smile. "I'll work on my curly hair braiding skills, promise."

Josephine laughs. "Let's get back to studying."

They resume their studies for another hour, Josephine assisting Evan with recent assignments until she remembers her need to access the restricted section.

"I'll see you later," she tells Evan before setting off to find Professor Rivers.

She hurries through the corridors until she spots him up ahead.

"Sir!" Josephine quickens her pace.

He turns with raised brows. "Hello."

"Could you grant me access to the restricted section?" she asks straight away.

His brows furrow in response. "And why would you need that?"

"I'm interested in researching ancient defensive magic," she explains.

The professor's head tilts slightly. "Very well, I'll prepare a permission slip for you and deliver it later."

"Thank you," she replies, mustering a smile before turning to leave.

At least she hasn't lied entirely. She does want to delve into defensive magic, but there are other reasons too. She wants to check if Regulus has returned that particular book she saw him with, and perhaps explore further into the realm of dark magic.

Recalling her previous visit, where she only managed to snatch the one book on dark magic while neglecting further research on dark magic, she also got a few books on occulemecy but those she had returned. She ensures her mental shields are reinforced. It has become almost second nature for her to keep her mind securely sealed off.

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