~Chapter 8~

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Josephine covertly returns to her dorm in the middle of the day, craving solitude from the ceaseless chatter around her

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Josephine covertly returns to her dorm in the middle of the day, craving solitude from the ceaseless chatter around her. The primary motive for her stealthy return is to inspect the horcrux, seeking reassurance amid the chaos.

Retrieving her trunk from beneath the bed, she opens the trunk and carefully unseals the bag containing the ring. As she peeks inside, relief washes over her – the precious item remains unscathed. Her plan to relocate it to Helena's room later in the day is intact.

Upon securing the ring, her attention shifts to the mirror gifted by Ara. The cold metal handle feels substantial in her grasp as she lifts the mirror. Uncertain of what to expect, she scrutinizes her own reflection. Abruptly, another face materializes in the mirror, not her own. Startled, she involuntarily drops the mirror into her trunk, accompanied by a yelp.

The sound of familiar laughter emanates from the mirror – Ara. "Did I startle you, girl?" a muffled voice teases.

After a moment of hesitation, Josephine cautiously retrieves the mirror. Staring at Ara Malfoy's face, visible only from the neck up, she can't help but question Ara's intentions. "Why did you give me this?" she asks, her gaze fixed on Ara's braided hair and narrowed blue eyes.

Ara, with a slight shift in posture, responds, "If Tom neglected to disclose why he spared you, I wanted a means to contact you."

Understanding dawns on Josephine. "Did he tell you?" she inquires.

Ara smirks, "Why, of course, little spy."

Though unfazed by Ara's knowledge, the term "spy" uttered by someone else unsettles Josephine.

"Why did you agree to be a spy?" Ara's voice echoes from the reflective surface, prompting Josephine to turn her attention back.

"I—" She pauses, then continues, "Everyone acts as if Dumbledore's side is inherently good, as if they can do no wrong." Her tone carries a feigned annoyance, masking the deeper motivations behind her role as a spy.

Ara slowly nods. "I must confess, it's surprising to see a Potter be a spy, especially given your family's blood traitor status." Josie's eyes narrow in response, prompting a slight laugh from Ara.

"Why are you even engaging in this conversation? You know the reasons I'm alive and spying," Josephine retorts, her frustration evident.

Ara's demeanor turns cold. "Perhaps I'm curious," she replies.

"Curious about what?" Josie questions.

"People rarely catch me off guard. You managed to hurt me and catch me by surprise," Ara says, rolling her eyes. "It's evident you've learned Occlumency from someone."

"Maybe you're just overestimating your skills," Josie retorts unintentionally.

Ara tilts her head, leaning closer to the mirror. "That sentence intrigues me. Had you said that in front of the Dark Lord, he would have killed you by now. It wouldn't matter if you were his spy. So, why hasn't he killed you?"

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