~Chapter 63~

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Josephine reaches for yet another book from the shelves of the restricted section, her quest for any mention of her maternal lineage persisting

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Josephine reaches for yet another book from the shelves of the restricted section, her quest for any mention of her maternal lineage persisting. She returns to the table she has been at for at least two hours.

Sinking into her chair, Josie surveys the pile of books she has already sifted through, exhaustion creeping in.

With a heavy sigh, she rests her head on her hands before delving into the next tome.

It feels as if her family has vanished into thin air. Perhaps her aunt is even deceased. Despite her efforts, there is no trace.

All she knows for certain is that the Joneses are an esteemed pureblood lineage. But that detail hardly provides any real leads.

Even the intel Tom has shared proves scanty when it comes to her family's background.

Nyla and Serena's disappearances linger as a puzzle. Nyla has wed a Hufflepuff, a detail she clings to amidst the abyss of uncertainty.

But beyond that... nothing.


Regulus's voice snaps her out of her reverie. She greets him with a smile.

His gaze sweeps over the array of books before him. "Are you alright?"

She debates masking her turmoil but opts for honesty. "Just searching for clues about my aunt. I hope to find her this summer," she confesses.

When was the last time she divulged the truth without weaving a web of lies?

"Would you like some assistance?" Regulus offers, settling beside her.

Josie hesitates briefly before accepting. "Sure," she replies, welcoming his company in her quest for answers.

"These are the books I've already looked through," Josephine gestures towards the towering stack. "All I've gathered is that my mother's side is pureblood, bearing the surname Jones... beyond that, it's a dead end."

Regulus acknowledges her words with a subtle nod before selecting a book, signaling the beginning of their joint effort.

Their mission: uncovering any traces of Josephine's elusive family, particularly focusing on historical residences.

As Josephine peruses a page, she struggles to conceal her reaction to the text before her.

"The Jones family, renowned for their mastery of shadowcra—" The words fade into obscurity.

Shadow mastery within her lineage?

Such unique abilities aren't unheard of among ancient bloodlines.

Her mind drifts to her own peculiar bond with Tom, the ease with which she can transmit letters through mere intention.

Certain families are marked by gifts, whether inherited or acquired through the ages.

Josie snaps back to the present as Regulus utters her name.

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