~Chapter 18~

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"There's no need for further contact," she declares to Ara through the mirror

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"There's no need for further contact," she declares to Ara through the mirror.

She hurried back to her room between classes, realizing she had forgotten to retrieve her book for the next session. As she busied herself, a voice emanated from the mirror, revealing Ara's presence.

The last time she conversed with Ara, the latter concealed the mirror before Tom could discover their interaction. Without waiting for Ara's response, Josephine questions, "Tell me, Ara, why did you hide the mirror?"

Ara bluntly states, "I don't want him knowing I'm talking to you. So, don't disclose anything in your little meetings."

Josephine tilts her head and inquires, "I assume you won't tell me why?"

"No," Ara smirks. "These conversations are exclusively between us. I want to learn more about you, why he chose you and such."

"As I mentioned earlier, perhaps he likes the idea of having a Potter as a spy."

"Well, I would believe that if he hadn't disclosed who you really are." Ara leans closer to the mirror. "Josephine Ravenclaw. Has a nice ring to it, hm?"

Josie's expression goes blank, and she notices she has been picking at a nail, now bleeding. The ache from the cut on her leg is intensifying, but at least it is slowly healing after a few days.

"Fine, you know who I am, what does that matter?" Josephines voice is tense, burdened with the weight of schoolwork and imminent classes.

An overwhelming feeling creeps up in her chest, ready to strike and induce a panic attack if another demand is added to her plate. Josie doesn't want to lie or put on a facade in front of Ara; she longs for a break.

Ara interrupts her thoughts, "It just makes me more curious about you, little spy. Let me guess, your family suddenly told you were adopted, and then you joined Tom?"

"I have class," Josephine replies curtly. She shoves the mirror into her trunk, hidden under unwanted clothes, and rises from the ground.

Her breath quickens slightly, but she pauses and makes a concerted effort to slow it down before she decided to just skip class all together, despite the pressing need to attend. Her recent assignment grades have not lived up to her intelligence, and she questions why her academic performance isn't better.

Finally leaving her dorm and then the common room, she heads to her next class. As she glances at her bleeding nail, the result of her incessant picking, she tries to stop the blood.

Lost in her thoughts, she collides with someone. "Sorry," she mumbles, ready to rush past. "Josie."

Josephine looks up and sees Remus. "Yeah?" she raises her brow.

He appears nervous but hands her a small piece of parchment. "Order meeting," he mumbles.

The single sentence makes her want to cry. "Right, thanks," her voice sounds rather bleak; she has no energy to feign enthusiasm.

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