~Chapter 94~

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Josephine's heart skips a beat as she unfolds the letter, recognizing Tom's elegant penmanship

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Josephine's heart skips a beat as she unfolds the letter, recognizing Tom's elegant penmanship.

Earlier, while strolling with Evan, a faint tingling sensation alerted her to the arrival of the magical letter.

She had managed to slip away to read its contents in private.

Tom's request for a meeting puzzles her. Typically, she initiates such gatherings, swiftly dispatching letters upon learning of an order meeting.

Why the sudden change?

Could it be a waring of impending danger, an attack on something she might be at?

Though uncertain, the urgency of Tom's summons compels her to act promptly.

Evan's sudden presence shatters her reverie. "What's wrong?"

Startled, she turns to face him. "Why are you in my room?" Josephine deflects, masking her inner turmoil.

Evan's concern is palpable as he ventures further into the room. "What's troubling you?"

Josephine forces herself to ease her tension before responding. "Tom has requested a meeting," she discloses, keeping her tone composed.

Evan's expression shifts to one of confusion. "Why?"

"He doesn't say," Josie replies, her attention drawn back to the letter in her hand. "I should change and head out," she decides, preempting any further inquiries from Evan as she retreats into her closet.

As she swiftly changes into a pair of black pants and a deep blue blouse, Evan is gone when she leaves the closet. 

A quick incantation tidies her hair before she emerges, only to collide with Regulus in the hallway.

"Where are you going?" His gaze sweeps over her attire.

"Tom wants to see me," she informs him, noting the dissipation of a shadow that briefly crosses his features.

"Why?" Regulus's tone betrays his concern.

Josephine shrugs, uncertain. "I'm not entirely sure."

A subtle intensity flickers in Regulus's gaze. "Be careful," he cautions tersely.

She offers a strained smile in return. "I will."

Regulus leans in, giving her a soft kiss on her lips, reflecting in the genuine smile that blooms across her face.

"I love you," Josephine whispers softly.

"I love you too," comes his heartfelt response.

With one last lingering look, Josie descends the stairs and hastens out of her home, her heart quickening with each step.

A surge of uncertainty sweeps over her as she ventures further. Is it too late to turn back?

Midway through her journey, she falters, caught in a moment of hesitation.

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