~Chapter 17~

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Josephine nods attentively as Pomfrey speaks, she was forced to spend the entire day and night in the infirmary

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Josephine nods attentively as Pomfrey speaks, she was forced to spend the entire day and night in the infirmary. Her activities were restricted to the bare essentials—showering and changing clothes.

Although Pomfrey has mended the scratch, it still aches, a testament to its lingering presence.

"Now, your ribs," Pomfrey begins, noting the extensive bruising. "It seems there was a pre-existing injury there?"

Josie's throat tightens. The prior injury is likely from her encounter with Ara.

"Not sure. I didn't have any injury or pain before," she fibs.

Pomfrey nods understandingly. "Take it easy on yourself. You're excused from classes today."

Acknowledging this, Josephine knows James awaits her outside, ready to lend a helping hand. However, the whereabouts of her friends concern her. She hadn't returned to the dorm, and a day without attending classes raises questions.

Maybe she hasn't informed them of what happened...

They remain oblivious to her location, fueling her guilt. Yet, Josephine is reluctant to burden them, especially Regulus, who surely has more pressing matters.

She ties on  her clean shoes. Remus felt rather guilty and had offered lifelong servitude. All she told him was that her shoes were dirty from running and he had cleaned them immediately.

Rising from the cot, she conceals any sign of pain, refusing to let Pomfrey perceive her discomfort.

A twisted part of her embraces the pain as penance for her guilt.

Stepping out of the infirmary, she anticipates James's presence.

"Hello," she greets.

James looks up, immediately assisting her.

"I want to go to the Great Hall; my friends are probably worried," she expresses.

"Are you sure? I can help you to your dorm and then come back to explain—"

"It's okay," she sighs. "I'm just figuring out a lie to tell them."

"You can tell them the truth, you know. Just don't mention Remus," he suggests.

"I guess," she shrugs, feeling a sense of vulnerability as James guides her down the halls.

The sole bright spot in her mood was the success of her spells. She can't help but think they might be even more effective on a human.

"You go do whatever you need to," Josephine asserts, stepping away from James. They are near the Great Hall, and she feels comfortable walking the rest of the way. "I'll see you tomorrow or something." She walks off before he can respond.

Enough of James occupied her thoughts the past couple of days.

Josie sighs before entering the Great Hall. Immediately, Dorcas and Pandora greet her with wide eyes.

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