~Chapter 28~

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Time drifted by, and now it is December

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Time drifted by, and now it is December. Nothing much has happened other than a few  Quidditch games.

However, today holds a different agenda for Josephine – a trip to Hogsmeade to select gifts for her friends. With Christmas looming and the holiday break imminent, anticipation fills the air.

She and her  friends are going to stay at Hogwarts, although Josephine suspects Dorcas is heading home.

As Josie adorns her rings, she steals a glance at Dorcas. After Dorcas applies her lip gloss, she stands and asks, "Ready to go?" while wrapping a scarf around herself.

"Yeah," Josephine replies, attempting to ensure she hasn't forgotten anything, but Dorcas is already ushering her out of the dormitory.

Sighing, she allows Dorcas's  to lead.

Once outside, she distances herself from Dorcas to spot Regulus. A few students are scattered about, all heading towards the village

However, the cold weather slows their pace, and the snow-covered ground doesn't make the journey any easier.

"Josie!" Pandora approaches with a beaming smile.

"Pandora," Josie greets, soon the boys came walking over, though Regulus is casting a disapproving glance at Evan.

Raising an eyebrow in inquiry, she notices Regulus shaking his head, moving closer to her.

"Let's go; I'm starving," Evan mutters, steering Pandora and Barty to walk ahead.

The group begins their leisurely walk to the village, and Josephine isn't in the mood for conversation. The holiday season feels somewhat somber this year.

A cold hand brushes hers, and she glances over at Regulus.

"Are you alright, chérie?"(Darling) he inquires.

"What does that mean?" she deflects his question.

He glares, sensing her avoidance. "It means 'darling.' Now, what's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong; I'm fine," she replies, unknowingly rubbing her bare hands together, realizing she has forgotten gloves and a scarf.

Regulus refrains from pushing further, allowing their hands to gently graze as they stroll towards Hogsmeade.

"I need help picking out gifts," Josephine informs Pandora upon reaching Hogsmeade. Pandora responds with a bright smile, seizing Josie's arm and pulling her in a direction.

They enter one of the numerous shops in Hogsmeade. "Let's find gifts for Evan first. The only thing I know to get is candy," Pandora suggests.

Josephine chuckles. "I'm sure he would love it if we just got him candy."

"He would, but Barty would kill us since he'd be so hyped up on sugar," Pandora giggles.

Josie's lips curl into a smile as they look through the store for Evan's gifts. She stumbles upon a poster of his favorite band and some music she knows he doesn't have. Choosing a gift for Barty proves challenging, given their less close relationship. Eventually, she settles on a chain necklace she believes he would appreciate.

For Dorcas, Josephine selects new tarot cards and a few crystals. Pandora receives a similar set—a blue-themed tarot deck accompanied by a journal for recording readings.

As for Regulus...

Josie circles the shop multiple times before finding a fantasy book she thinks he'd enjoy. Now, for the second gift.

It might be a bit cliche, but she opts for matching jewelry. Two rings catch her eye—one adorned with a blue gem and the other with a dark green gem. They are undeniably elegant.

Josephine gathers all her chosen items and heads to the counter to check out. The total cost is high, but she hasn't spent much throughout the year.

Upon completing the transaction, she seeks out Pandora, who is engrossed in an aisle. "Hello—" she begins.

Pandora interrupts with a yell, "Don't look! I'm looking for presents for you!"

Josephine laughs, covering her eyes. "I have everything I need, so I'm leaving unless you want me to stay."

"You can leave; I only have two people left to shop for," Pandora replies.

Josie nods, turns around, uncovers her eyes, and exits the store.

The chill strikes her immediately; the contrast with the warmth of the store is stark.

She shivers involuntarily, feeling the ache in her arms from the numerous bags she carries. Josie sets off toward the Three Broomsticks, the weight of her shopping taking a toll.

"Josephine," a voice calls from behind her. She flinches before turning.

"Regulus," she greets him with a small smile as he joins her.

He raises an eyebrow, noting the abundance of bags in her hands.

"I had to buy gifts," she explains, and Regulus extends his hand for her to surrender some of the bags.

Hesitating, Josephine hands him two bags. "Thank you."

His lips curl into a small smile, but it quickly fades as he notices something amiss. "Where's your scarf?"

"I forgot it," she replies, attempting to resume walking, but Regulus pulls her back. Perplexed, she raises an eyebrow at him, only for Regulus to start removing his green and white scarf.

"You'll be cold," she warns as he drapes the scarf behind her head and settles it around her neck.

"I'll be fine."

A subtle flush colors her face. "Thank you," she expresses. Regulus responds with a small smile.

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