~Chapter 53~

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"I don't even know how he noticed!" Evan grumbles, all of them fresh from yet another apparition lesson

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"I don't even know how he noticed!" Evan grumbles, all of them fresh from yet another apparition lesson. Evan's frustration stems from the instructor's keen observation of his inadvertent leave-behind – half of his ear.

"It was half your ear, Evan. Everyone noticed," Barty retorts.

Josephine can't help but chuckle at the situation, earning her a sharp glare from Evan. "He's right, Evan. But you're definitely improving!" she reassures him with a smile.

"Wow, you guys are ganging up on me now?" Evan shakes his head. "Betrayal."

Rolling her eyes, Josephine bids her friends farewell before heading down the hall toward Ravenclaw Tower.

As she walks, thoughts of the apparition lesson linger in her mind. Josie doesn't consider herself particularly skilled at apparition, though the instructor seems to think otherwise. In fact, they even suggested she could pass the test in April if she were old enough – a prospect she finds both exciting and frustrating, given that she would not be old enough for the test.

Can she persuade them to let her take the test early? It is worth considering.

Lost in thought, Josephine collides with someone, muttering a quick apology before realizing it is Davian – a person she hasn't spoken to in months, for good reason.

"Sorry? Yeah, I'm sure you are," Davian sneers, seizing her wrist.

Confusion clouds Josie's mind. What does he want? And why now?

"Listen, we all know you're just a bitch, Josephine. I mean, I really liked you–" Davian begins, but Josie swiftly cuts him off.

"You spread rumors about me just because I didn't want to go on a date with you. But sure, that sounds like someone who likes me," she shoots back, her gaze fixated on his tightening grip.

Alarmed by the lack of bystanders in the hallway, Josephines unease grows. Nevertheless, fueled by pent-up anger from recent events, she stands her ground.

"And you spread those rumors about me!" Davian counters, his grip becoming more forceful.

"If you don't let go, I'll do a lot worse than that pathetic rumor I started," Josie warns, her voice laced with violence.

His grip tightens. "You won't do anything," he taunts.

With practiced precision, she draws her wand, swiftly pressing it against his throat. "Wanna bet your life on that?" she counters, matching his tone.

Davian recoils from the wand, releasing her hand in the process.

"Don't come near me again, got it?" Josephine maintains her stance, her wand aimed at him even as he backs away.

"Fine," he snaps, conceding to her demand.

As a final warning, Josie sends a small jolt through him. He winces, rubbing his throat in discomfort.

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