~Chapter 85~

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Pandora got detention, with that professor

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Pandora got detention, with that professor. Meanwhile, Josephine paces the Ravenclaw common room anxiously, awaiting her return.

Uncertainty lingers in Josie's mind about whether this detention will mirror the one she had, but she isn't taking any chances.

Aware of her limited proficiency in healing spells, Josephine had wanted to tell their friends who possess more skill. Yet, Pandora had not wanted to, so she may have...stolen healing supplies to offer assistance.

As the common room door creaks open, Josephine's attention snaps to the entrance, her steps halting as Pandora enters, tears tracing down her cheeks.

Examining Pandora's hands and arms marred with injuries, Josephine's gaze narrows with concern.

"Merlin," Josie murmurs, approaching Pandora. The extent of her wounds exceeds what she can remedy, even with the pilfered supplies.

"I'm fine," Pandora sniffs weakly.

"We're going to Alora," Josephine declares firmly, leaving no room for debate.

Gathering the meager supply of healing items she has acquired, Josephine guides Pandora out of the common room towards the Divination Tower, thankfully not too distant.

Ascending the tower, they find Alora engrossed in her tarot cards.

"Alora," Josephine begins urgently, "we need your help."

Alora's head snaps up, her fiery curls bouncing as her gaze widens at the sight of Pandora's injuries.

"Merlin, what happened?" Alora's concern is palpable as Josie draws Pandora closer to the desk where Alora stands, her expression etched with worry.

"It's the new professor. Detention involves cleaning a room infested with creatures," Josephine explains, a hint of frustration in her voice.

Alora's brows furrow deeper as she surveys the injuries on Pandora's arms.

"I can heal them, though not as effectively as the infirmary," Alora offers, her gaze shifting between the two.

"No infirmary," Pandora interjects firmly.

Understanding the reluctance, Alora nods in agreement. "Alright," she acquiesces before delving into the healing spells.

Josephine remains silent throughout, her mind already formulating a plan for revenge, albeit one that will require patience.


Josephine finds herself uncertain about how she's been persuaded to attend the party, but she's quickly regretting her decision.

The Gryffindor common room is a hub of chaos, practically guaranteeing a wild atmosphere.

Regulus ventured off in search of Pandora and Dorcas, thankfully not under the influence of alcohol, unlike Barty and Evan.

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