~Chapter 44~

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TW panic attack, blood

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TW panic attack, blood

Josephine hurries away from her apparition lesson, practically fleeing Evan and Barty who attempt to engage her in conversation.

Relieved as she turns the corner, thinking she has successfully evaded them, she is met with an unexpected sight.

Regulus. And that bitch Priscilla.

The situation wouldn't be as distressing if she hadn't witnessed their intimate interaction. Priscilla has a tight grip on Regulus' tie, pulling him closer.

A surge of anger courses through Josephine; hitting the girl seems tempting, but hitting Regulus feels even more appealing.

The very idea makes her want to do more than just slap him a few times, in a manner far removed from her previous daydreams.

Her throat constricts, making breathing difficult. Josie takes a step back, stumbles, then turns away, walking in the opposite direction.

Emotions are stupid.

Why does she love him?

Why is this even happening?

Breathing becomes labored once again, and the instinct to seek refuge in the bathroom resurfaces.

Josephine locates the nearest bathroom, hoping for solitude, and thankfully, it is empty. She enters a stall, closing the door with a forceful slam.

Deja vu strikes her, and she chokes back a breath, replaying the distressing scene in her mind.


Tears blur her vision, the familiar pang of heartbreak sinking in.

Picking at her nails, one starts bleeding. She attempts to regain composure, struggling to breathe amidst the emotional turmoil.

As the bathroom door swings open, Josephine hastily tries to stifle the noise she's making, covering her mouth to suppress the tears.

"Josie?" Mary's concerned voice reaches her. "I saw you come in here, and I just wanted to make sure you were alright."


"I'm fine—" Josephine clears her throat, attempting composure. "But thank you." Her response lacks conviction, evident in her strained attempts to control her tears and breathing.

Mary's footsteps approach. "Can I... Can I open the door? It sounds like you're having a panic attack."

Josephine struggles to draw in another breath but unlocks the stall door. The click must have alerted Mary, who then opens the door.

Kneeling before her, Mary's eyes scan Josephine's face with concern. Josephine wishes she isn't seen in this vulnerable state, but it's too late, and she can hardly ignore Mary.

"You know, when I was younger, there was this garden near my house," Mary begins softly. "It had gorgeous flowers—daisies, roses everywhere. I used to sneak out just to see the sunset in those flowers."

Surprisingly, Mary's vivid descriptions help calm Josephine's breathing. Her hands still tremble, but the story creates a mental image that provides some relief.

Mary continues, detailing every aspect of that beautiful garden.

It sounds enchanting.

Gradually, Josephine's breathing slows, and the shaking subsides. She takes a deep breath. "Thank you," her scratchy throat prompts her to clear it before repeating, "Thank you, Mary."

A bright smile adorns Mary's face. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm okay," Josephine replies, feeling somewhat improved. However, her mind still lingers on the unsettling image of Regulus.

Pushing those thoughts away, she reminds herself that she has just overcome a panic attack; there's no need for another one.

Mary smiles again before standing up. Just then, a thought strikes Josephine—a plan for revenge emerges in her mind.


Perhaps she teeters on the edge of insanity, considering the revenge plan she has concocted.

The revenge plot aims to inflict pain on Regulus, or at least, that is the intention.

Then again, maybe not.

The mere contemplation of hurting him pains her, but the sight of him with that other girl ignites a desire for retribution.

The plan? A classic one—fake dating. A trope she encounters in numerous books and secretly adores.

Her chosen accomplice? Mary. Single and interested in girls, as far as Josephine knows.

Approaching Mary in the hallway, Josephine feels a wave of nerves. Mary turns with a smile, and Josephine hesitates, picking at her nails behind her back. Can she really go through with this?


"Can I talk with you?" Josephine asks, leading Mary to a quiet corner behind some statues.

Mary nods, curious. "So, what's up?"

Josephine starts, admitting it might sound crazy, and then she spills the whole story—secretly dating Regulus, his sudden engagement without a word, even Mary expresses her indignation at that revelation. Then she unveils her revenge plan.

"You can say no, I'd completely understand, but... how would you feel about pretending to date me so I could get revenge?" Josephine asks, her voice hushed.

Mary pauses for a moment before a smile spreads across her face. "I would like that very much. It could help me too."

"Oh?" Josephine inquires.

Mary chuckles. "There's this girl I like. Perhaps it could make her jealous."

Josie laughs. "We should come up with some boundaries, but other than that..."

"I'd say we have an agreement, love," Mary smiles.

Mary is stunningly beautiful—dark eyes, long eyelashes, and gorgeous skin.

Now, the only task remaining is to establish some ground rules for what is acceptable and what they are getting into.

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