~Chapter 35~

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"Are you okay?" Josephine whispers to Regulus during their final class of the day. Throughout the entire day, Regulus appears tense and upset, barely speaking to her.

Despite their lack of argument and her confidence that she hasn't done anything to upset him, she can't shake the feeling that something is amiss – perhaps it's Sirius or an issue from home.

"I'm fine, Josephine," he replies, his voice causing her to almost flinch. It lacks any emotion, as if he has once again donned the facade of the perfect son.

Josie turns her attention forward, using her nails as a distraction, hoping that tomorrow will bring a more composed Regulus. Maybe his parents have sent a troubling letter that has unsettled him. However, she can't justify his rudeness towards her.

As the class comes to an end, Regulus gets up and leaves before Josephine can say anything.

She stares at the door he just walked through, noticing he's the first to leave, as if the act of being there physically pains him. Her throat tightens, but she gathers her belongings and exits the classroom with furrowed brows, unable to find Regulus in the hallway.

"Josie!" Pandora's voice rings out lightly from behind her. Josephine turns with a forced smile as Pandora and Evan hasten their steps to catch up with her.

"Hello," Josephine greets, but the cheeriness in her tone feels forced, and even Pandora and Evan pick up on it.

"You alright?" Evan inquires with a furrowed brow.

"Fine," Josephine replies, turning around as the three of them begin walking. She notices the exchanged glance between Pandora and Evan.

"Let's go to an empty classroom," Pandora suggests, grabbing their hands and leading them to the nearest available room. Fortunately, it's empty. Evan closes the door behind them, and though the room is small, it's clean, with a few desks pushed to the sides.

Pandora mutters something under her breath, and a soft blanket materializes on the floor. Josephine chuckles before all three of them settle on the blanket, gazing at the ceiling.

"So," Evan begins, "What's wrong?"

"Just Regulus," Josephine mumbles.

"What did he do!?" Pandora asks, sitting up slightly. Josie pushes her back down.

"Nothing really, just he's been acting weird the entire day, and he sort of ignored me."

"Prick," both Pandora and Evan mutter.

Her lips twitch. "You were his friends first, and you're like his sister, Pandora. It's really okay. You don't have to say that."

"Even I can say that he can be a prick sometimes," Pandora says. "But it's for good reasons... sometimes."

Josephine laughs, and so does Evan.

"How are you and Barty?" Pandora inquires.

Evan lets out a breath. "Weird. Can't tell if we're together or not. But I guess I understand. We... it's not like we have a lot of time left to be together."


Is that what Regulus thinks? That they don't have much time left?

Maybe that's why he's acting weird.

"I don't think I like where the future is going," Pandora mutters. "I don't like how we only have limited time left with those we love."


Should she tell them? Tell them that she's going to take down Tom even if it kills her because then at least people will be safe, her friends will be safe.

"You can choose how much time you have left," Josephine replies. "Even if it's scary."

They both know what she means. She's essentially telling them to run away.

Is that what she wants Regulus to do?


Maybe it's selfish to want him to run away, be with her. Want him to choose her over anyone else.

She also wants him safe too. She doesn't like the uncertainty of him being home, not being safe.

This summer is when she really needs to worry about it. For now, they're safe and okay.

Well, hopefully okay.

"This is depressing," Evan says.

"So is life," Pandora replies.

Josephine laughs a bit. "Let's talk about something else." She turns to lay on her stomach, and both of them copy her movements.

"Like what?" Evan taps the ground in a repeating pattern.

"Classes?" Pandora suggests.

Evan groans. "Not that, please."

His sentence has both her and Pandora laughing. It feels good to be able to laugh, even if she does feel guilty for it.


"Tom really tells you nothing, then?" Ara inquires through the mirror.

Josephine resists the urge to roll her eyes. "I'm the spy giving him information; it's not like he gives me anything."

Ara lets out a huff, a faint trace of laughter escaping. At least she isn't playing the "Crazy" card anymore. Though Josie suspects it's merely a facade, just as she maintains.

She is In Helena's dorm, Josephine casted a charm to ensure their conversation remains unheard.

"Well, he's given us instructions to either kill or obliviate any Order members we find. That does include your adoptive parents."

She absentmindedly picks at her nails. Does she care? Only about Euphemia, really.

Ara narrows her eyes. "It's complicated, isn't it? Having to choose a side?"

"I'm not picking a side. Can't I just make my own side? Why is everything so black and white, hm?"

Ara leans back. "Because that's how it's always been – good against evil, light against dark."

"Well, then maybe things should change. We've learned nothing from history so far. Why can't we learn now?"

Ara's expression twists. Maybe that's it. People are so accustomed to choosing sides, as Ara says, good against evil. But how can someone ever be truly good? Ever be truly bad?

Perhaps that's why Josephine has "turned" so easily against the "good" side. She doesn't perceive them as wholly good, even before discovering her real parents.

"Talk with you soon, Ara," Josie says, setting down the mirror with a sigh.

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