~Chapter 13~

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Josephine carefully opens the small bag containing the ring

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Josephine carefully opens the small bag containing the ring. Perhaps it is a bit selfish of her to desire putting it on, just to catch a glimpse of her parents.

The belief that it houses the resurrection stone, as per the childhood story, lingers in her mind—the three objects given to the brothers by death.

While James possesses an invisibility cloak, she ponders if it could be the same one given to the brother. Unlikely.

However, the ring hints that such artifacts might indeed exist. Despite the curse on the ring, confirmed by Alora's warning and the palpable energy it emits, Josie can't help but wonder if it truly matters at this point.

The temptation to see her parents, even in altered forms, is strong. Yet, she reconsidered. It wouldn't be fair to Serena or Aspen. Her feelings don't matter; what matters is the responsibility she holds.

Closing the bag, Josie carefully conceals it in the hole and covers it with tiles. The bathroom is now cleaner, thanks to her spells banishing cobwebs and dust. But she can't linger; class awaits.

Skipping lunch, she prioritized checking on the horcruxes. With a sigh, Josephine rises from the ground, leaves the bathroom, exits the dorm, and leaves the common room to head for Defense Against the Dark Arts.

The new professor seems more engaging than most, allowing practical exercises. Josie admits she excels in class, mostly due to her ability to memorize hexes and counter hexes. Her mind has a peculiar balance—disliking attention yet striving to outperform others for acknowledgment and praise.

"Josette!" Evan calls, disrupting her thoughts.

In the empty corridor, Josephine halts and turns. Evan sprints up to her.

"Hi," Josephine greets as he falls into step beside her. They share the same Defense Against the Dark Arts class today.

Her thoughts momentarily drift to Regulus. Is he already in the classroom?

"Josette?" Evan's voice brings her back. "Sorry, what?"

"How are you and Regulus?" Evan inquires with a small smile.

"We're good. And you and Barty?"

Evan's smile fades slightly. "We're fine."

Turning a corner, Josephine raises a brow.

"I'm not sure if I should talk to you about it," Evan mumbles as their steps pause.

"Why not?" Josephine furrows her brows, turning to face him. Some hair falls into her face, which she quickly brushes away.

Evan half-shrugs. "It's—" He sighs. "It's something to do with my parents," his voice lowers.

Josie speculates—Death Eater stuff?

"If you ever want to talk about that stuff, I won't judge you, ever," she assures him. It's the truth; she might judge others, even friends at times, but ultimately, she'll be on their side.

"Thanks, Josette," Evan still seems tense.

"You know," Josephine begins, "I may not seem to understand what's happening with your families, but I do. And I would never judge you for what your parents might force you to do."

She knows Tom wouldn't allow any of the people she named to join and their parents can not force them to be Death Eaters. Her friends don't know that, so she'll offer reassurance until she can share everything—if she ever can. The future is uncertain.

Evan's shoulders drop, unsure whether to be relieved or more tense. So Josephine puts on a fake smile. "We're gonna be late for class."

They resume walking to Defense Against the Dark Arts. Upon entering the classroom, their laughter ceases at the sight inside. All the tables are pushed to the wall, creating a vast space in the middle.

Josephine furrows her eyebrows in confusion as Evan grabs her arm to guide her over to Regulus.

"What's going on?" Evan asks, eyeing the rearranged desks.

"We're trying the Patronus spell today," Regulus says quietly.

"Really?" Josie turns to look at him; Regulus nods.

Josephine smiles. "I read about this spell a few years ago. I always wanted to know what my Patronus was."

Evan's eyebrows flick up, and then he smirks. "I bet it's gonna be like a dog or something."

Josie glares. "Yours is gonna be a dog. You're like an excited puppy half the time."

Evan rolls his eyes playfully.

"I think yours is gonna be a cat," Josephine tells Regulus.

"Really?" Regulus tilts his head.

"We might not be able to produce a corporeal one today," Evan says.

Josie silently bets she could, if only to prove Evan wrong. Yet, she knows the requirement of a "pure" heart or something like that.

"Students," the professor clears his throat to call attention. "Today we will be trying to cast a Patronus charm."

He goes on with instructions, but Josie is confident she knows everything she needs.


"What?" She turns to Regulus.

He slightly smiles. "You zoned out; he wants us to try the charm now."

"Oh," she mutters before looking around. Some students have already started, but nothing is happening. "Happy memory," she mumbles under her breath, moving a bit away from the corner.

Evan attempts the spell, though nothing occurs. The entire class seems to have no luck.

Josie grows frustrated; she is supposed to be smart. Why is it not working? Every attempt yields nothing.

Sighing, she twirls her wand in thought. "Giving up?" Regulus teases.

"Never," she smiles lightly as Regulus leans against the wall beside her. "I at least want a wisp of something," Josie complains.

"I'm sure you can do it, Josephine," he leans a bit closer.

"Apparently not," she begins picking at her nails in frustration, but Regulus discreetly intervenes and stops her.

She sighs, withdrawing her hands. "I'm going to at least get something," she tells him before leaving the corner.

Happy memory.

She closes her eyes, thinking of moments with her friends, with Regulus.

Josephine feels a small pull of energy. "Expecto Patronum," she whispers under her breath.

When she opens her eyes, a small wisp of bluish light emanates from her wand. She focuses but only ever gets small flickers of light.

"It appears we have our first success!" the professor claps his hands before coming over.

"It's not corporeal though," Josephine says, the light dancing slightly before fading.

The professor gives her a smile. "Still a success. Fifty points to Ravenclaw!"

Her eyes widen in shock. While she wanted a corporeal one, she supposes what she did is good enough. Evan comes over laughing. "Good job, Josette!"

Josephine laughs slightly and turns to find Regulus. He is right beside her, giving her a small smile and whispering, "Good job, darling."

She blushes, trying to shift her attention elsewhere.

Guys who are some character that you think Josie is similar too? Cause like, I used many characters in book and shows that i sort of merged together for her HAHSHSH like Annabeth Chase, Pippa Fitz-Amobi, Aelin Galathynius, Jude Duarte, and Kaz Brekker

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