~Chapter 74~

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TW blood

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TW blood.


The call of her name makes her let out a small noise.


The call comes again.

"What?" She mumbles.

A slight laugh then.

Her eyes snap open as all the memories flood back to her.

She immediately sits up on her couch, large amounts of sunlight spilling in from the window.

Then she looks up to Regulus who is standing right in front of her.

"Sit back down!" Josephine immediately stands up and places a gentle hand on his arm.

He glances down at her, dried blood still on his face, his shirt still ripped in the middle, blood on his torso.

"Sit down," she repeats once more as she guides him back to the sofa.

There are a few blood stains on the actual sofa, but she doesn't care as she guides him to sit down.

"I'm fine," Regulus says, even though a small wince leaves his mouth as he sits down.

"Now I understand why you hate it so much when I say I'm fine," she mutters. Regulus glances up at her.

"Are you...okay?" She asks, her voice low as she cups his face gently. There are bruises that she can see more clearly in the sun all over him.

Some in his arms, more in his face.

And there must have been some wound that she couldn't see as it seems to pain him a bit with each movement.

Regulus takes a breath. "Better than I was" is all he replies with.

Josephine frowns. "What happened?" She asks as she lets her hand drop and moves to sit beside him on the sofa. He turns to face her more, another wince.

"My parents," his eyes flicker down, filling with an emotion she couldn't place. "They were upset with me. I..." He trails off, a blank expression on his face. "They used the torture curse on me first," he whispers. "Then other spells."

Josie narrows her eyes as she tenses.

Maybe she can get Tom to kill them.

Not now. She needs to focus on Regulus.

She moves a bit closer to him.

His eyes are blank, as if caught in the memory of what happened.

Josephine gently grabs his hand, a slight flinch coming from him, but he quickly relaxes once he realizes it's her.

His eyes seem slightly watery, but he quickly tries to hide them.

Josie says nothing as she brings him in for a hug.

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