~Chapter 97~

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Josephine's gaze lingers on her home

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Josephine's gaze lingers on her home.

The French countryside envelops her in a serene silence broken only by the gentle chirping of birds, the sun casting its warm embrace upon the landscape.

Just a stone's throw from the door, she stands, teetering on the threshold of familiarity and uncertainty.

Inside await her friends, the comfort of them beckoning her, yet doubts linger.

Is returning truly her heart's desire?


But is it the right decision?

With the horcrux in her possession, save for one elusive fragment, uncertainty clouds her thoughts.

Josephine yearns for a simple respite—a shower, a nourishing meal, a few hours of undisturbed slumber.

Conversation feels burdensome, action, an insurmountable task.

Dirt clings to her arms, phantom stains of blood staining her hands, though none has been shed.

Dumbledore's demise weighs heavily upon her, as does the loss of the unnamed girl.

Her throat constricts with sorrow, her nails becoming unwitting victims of her anxious scrutiny.

With a resigned sigh, she resolves to enter.

Her friends have undoubtedly been looking for her, their concern palpable.

As she tentatively approaches the door, uncertainty gnaws at her.

Should she announce her presence with a knock?

There isn't really a guide to how to come home after being kidnapped now is there?

Josie chooses to step across the threshold and enter.

The door thankfully doesn't make any noise.

Before she can take more than a single step, a wand presses against her throat, held by James.

Too exhausted to resist, she raises her hands in surrender.

James's gaze narrows, then widens in recognition, though the wand remains poised.

"What was the color of the vase in my mother's house, the one she despised us playing near?" he demands.

Josephine's brow furrows, her stance remaining open, hands raised to show her compliance.

They all must be really paranoid.

"It was blue, with pink and white flowers," she replies, her voice scratchy from thirst.

The realization of her parched throat hits her, intensifying her hunger.

James's grip loosens as he exclaims, "It's you!" Dropping his wand, he pulls her into a tight embrace.

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