~Chapter 41~

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Pandoras POV

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Pandoras POV.

Pandora pounds on Regulus's dorm door, fully aware that Barty and Evan are not around. She has an urgent need to confront Regulus.

After a day of classes, the brief encounters with Josie have only fueled Pandora's desire to express her frustrations to Regulus.

The doorknob turns, and the door clicks open. Regulus stands before her with weary eyes, causing a slight softening in Pandora.

However, she swiftly regains her resolve.

"What the fuck is wrong with you!?" she hisses, her anger palpable.

Regulus tenses, but he steps back, allowing her entry. After she is inside, he shuts and locks the door.

"Hello, Dora," Regulus mumbles as he returns to his bed.

"I'll ask again, what the fuck is wrong with you!?" Pandora approaches him.

Regulus looks down at his hands, seemingly seeking distraction. "Nothing, I'm fine."

"Then why in Merlins name are you engaged? Why did you and Josie break up? Tell me, Regulus. Explain to me—"

"I didn't want to break up. I don't want to marry that girl," Regulus cuts her off. "I didn't want any of this," he whispers.

Pandora sighs, grappling with the difficult situation. Regulus is her brother, and Josie is her best friend.

Understanding Regulus's predicament, she also empathizes with Josie, seeing the lingering tears, sadness, and betrayal in her eyes.

It almost brought tears to her own eyes. Josie resembles a sad puppy, especially with those eyes.

"Oh, Regulus," her voice softens as she takes a seat beside him.

"I know I messed up. Josephine should hate me. I want her to hate me," Regulus admits.

Pandora frowns. "Why do you want her to hate you so much?"

"Because she deserves to hate me. I don't want her to feel conflicted over this. It's okay for her to hate."

"Reg," Pandora frowns again as she moves closer.

He turns away, as if believing he doesn't deserve comfort.

Pandora glances down at her hands. "I wish this would stop," she whispers. "I don't want the world to continue this way. I want to run away, Regulus."

Regulus simply reaches out and grabs her hand.


Josephines POV.

Josie has just wrapped up another Apparition lesson, finding it a bit easier this time as she managed to move small distances. Now, she is making her way to her Charms class, attempting to push aside the numerous thoughts of Regulus that keep creeping into her mind.

"Josie!" Someone calls out.

She turns to see James and Sirius approaching.

Forcing a smile, she faces forward again, all three of them heading to class together.

"How are you?" James inquires.

"Fine," she replies tersely.

Though she isn't truly fine, Josephine knows she can feign normalcy for a while before potentially crumbling into a panic attack.

Sirius looks at her curiously. "Weren't you dating Reg?"

She tenses. "Doesn't matter, he's engaged," realizing that soon she might have to witness their public appearances as a couple, even if it's just for show.

James frowns. "You can always hang out with us, Josie, or talk with Lily and the other girls."

Josie softens slightly. "Thank you, James."

James gives her a reassuring smile.

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