~Chapter 33~

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(Make sure you're on the right chapter!! wattpad glitches💔)(You know who you are<3)

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(Make sure you're on the right chapter!! wattpad glitches💔)(You know who you are<3)

Josephine wraps up yet another order meeting, and this time it's surprisingly early in the day, considering it's New Year's Day. The peculiar shift from 1977 to 1978 at midnight lingers in her thoughts as she briskly traverses the passageway.

A sigh escapes her lips, fueled by the urgency to conclude her responsibilities swiftly. A party awaits that night, and she feels a sense of duty to be there for her friends. The impending return of students from the break hints at a relatively sparse gathering, a silver lining to the evening.

Her mind wanders momentarily to James and whether he is currently attending his parents' New Year party. If she were still there, she'd likely retreat to her room, seeking refuge until socializing becomes unavoidable.

Stop. she admonishes herself internally. Dwelling on the memories of that house only fuels her yearning for a home with her real parents.

Josephine absentmindedly picks at her nails until she reaches the passageway door, which she opens discreetly.

The snow outside has accumulated heavily throughout the day, making walking more challenging. Annoyed, she pushes back her dark brown hair as it persistently falls into her face.

Summoning a deep breath, she forces herself into the facade she has cultivated over time. As she checks the strength of her mental walls, she pushes open the creaking door to the shack.

Tom is already present, his impatience evident. "Josephine," he speaks without looking up from his hands.

"Tom," she greets back, making her way to the sofa and taking a seat. "They're planning to attack one of your meeting places, and they're aware of the three newest members who've joined you," she discloses, presenting the vital intel she has gathered.

Tom emits a low hum of acknowledgment as his gaze finally lifts. "And the necklace?"

"Still searching. I've combed through the Room of Requirements extensively," Josephine admits, allowing herself to harshly pick at her nails.

"Find it soon, Josephine."

"I'm trying," Josie mutters before rising from her seat. "Goodbye," she tells him, exiting the space.

A pang of discomfort settles within her, the realization that Tom is displeased with her for not locating the necklace yet. Even if it's just a façade, the hurt lingers.

Heading back to the passageway, she attempts to clear her mind, compelling herself to regain a semblance of happiness and composure.


Pandora has already joined the festivities in the Hufflepuff common room, leaving Josephine alone in her dorm to finish getting ready.

She doesn't particularly mind the solitude, but a subtle sense of loneliness creeps in. Josie often finds that to sustain her forced happiness, she needs the company of others.

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