~Chapter 96~

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Josephine lets out a gasp as she sits up abruptly

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Josephine lets out a gasp as she sits up abruptly. She has been knocked out. Again.

"Merlin," she mutters, wondering if she will have brain damage after this.

Dumbledore knocked her out.

She tries to piece together the fragmented memories. Pushing Tom into the bathroom, running, that... girl. Josie forces herself not to dwell on it.

The horcrux.

Josephine's hand instinctively goes to her back. The journal is still there.

She sighs in relief and looks around.

The room is circular, with stone walls and only a bed for furniture.

There are no windows, nothing to indicate the time of day.

A single door stands near her bed.

Josephine forces herself to breathe, focusing on her nails for a moment.

She needs to think.

She wants to go home. To see Nyla and Evie. To see Regulus.

How many days has it been since she last saw them?

How long was she knocked out this time?

She hates the uncertainty of not knowing how long she has been unconscious. Not knowing how many days have passed.

Josephine rubs her eyes and takes a deep breath, pulling herself together as if wrapping herself in bandages, holding herself together.

Pretending to be confident. Pretending to know everything and have everything under control.

She can do it.

She has done it her whole life.

Finally, she stands up from the bed, only to quickly fall back down as stars dance in her vision. She closes her eyes tightly. Fine. She is fine.

Determined, Josephine forces herself to stand again and hurries to the door. It is locked, of course.

Rage flares within her.

She expected it to be locked, but the confirmation feels like a tidal wave crashing over her. Panic and anger claw at her throat. She lets the anger win.

"Dumbledore!" she screams at the door, not caring about her dry throat or whether he can hear her. "You coward! Let me out!" She bangs on the door once, twice.

Her throat burns more now.

The anger still simmers as she steps away from the door and begins pacing. This is so... stupid.

So fucking stupid.

She wants Regulus.

But he isn't here.

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