~Chapter 36~

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Today marks the first Apparition lesson, although they are already halfway through class. Mastering Apparition proves to be a formidable challenge.

"Focus," the instructor commands the entire class.

Josephine can't help but sarcastically mutter, "Wow, why didn't I think of that?" Barty, standing beside her, chuckles at her remark.

"Oh, come on, Josie, just focus," he teases.

"I will push you down the stairs."

Barty laughs once more as they both attempt to refocus on Apparition.

"I can't do this," Josie complains after another unsuccessful attempt. The frustration is mounting; she despises not being instantly proficient at it.

"I'm leaving; this is getting annoying," Barty declares, grabbing his bag. Josephine hesitates for a moment before gathering her things and following suit. The class is about to end anyway.

"Barty!" Evan's voice echoes as he calls out to his friend. Josie, a few steps behind Barty, guesses Evan hasn't noticed her.

Evan rushes up to Barty, and Josie can't help but smile as he grabs Barty's hand. Deciding to leave them to it, Josephine turns around, seeking something else to occupy her time.


Josephine immerses herself in the library for the past few hours, oscillating between reading and contemplating what might be bothering Regulus.

They haven't exchanged a word since he left class the other day, and encounters with him have been scarce. Is he purposely avoiding her?

But why?

Maybe during their patrol that night, she can broach the subject with him.

With that idea in mind, she glances at one of the wall clocks. It is nearly time for patrol, and since the library will close soon, she decides to leave. Josie collects her books, stowing them in her bag, and exits the library.

As she makes her way to the great hall, Josie ponders what she should say to Regulus.

Perhaps just inquire about his well-being?

She is certain this time that she hasn't done anything wrong, so maybe she is merely overanalyzing the situation. Perhaps everything is fine.

Yet, a nagging feeling tells her otherwise.

Taking a deep breath, Josephine turns a corner and sees the great hall doors.

Regulus is already there, as usual.

"Hello," she greets him with a small smile.

"Josephine," he replies tersely as they begin their patrol. The ensuing silence is palpably awkward, and Josie finds herself nervously picking at her nails.

She despises this feeling.

Being unable to be herself around him is unsettling. She has grown accustomed to being genuine in his presence, and having to put on a facade of normalcy feels foreign.

Despite her internal turmoil, she keeps quiet. She longs to urge him to explain what is bothering him, to open up to her even if his words don't make sense. She wants to reciprocate the support he has given her.

As they turn a corner, she finally finds her voice. "Are you alright, Regulus? Did... something happen?" Josephine turns to look at him as they continue walking.

"Nothing happened; I'm fine," his voice is cold.

Josie halts her steps, and Regulus turns with a raised brow. "Listen, I want to be here for you, okay, Regulus? You can talk with me—"

"I said I'm fine. I don't want to talk with you," he snaps.

Josephine narrows her eyes. "What happened, Regulus?" Frustration wells within her. She needs to know what is wrong, what transpired in the span of a few days to make him act so distant.

"Nothing happened, Josephine," his voice grows sharper, if that is possible.

She takes a slight step back, her nail-picking becoming more harsh, more hurtful.

"You don't have to be so rude. I want to be here for you, but you can't just take your anger out on me," Josephine shoots him a look before turning around and walking away.

Frustrating prick.

Tears sting her eyes. The hurt cuts deep because she cares for him so much.

He isn't always this rude.

It is all too confusing.

Josie doesn't look back as she walks to the astronomy tower. Her footsteps echo as she ascends the tower until she reaches the top.

Regulus doesn't have to be so fucking rude to her. She can understand, to some extent, why he is distant, but it doesn't make it hurt any less.

What makes her pause is the figure already sitting by the railing of the tower.

The figure turns out to be Sirius. "Josie," Sirius says before turning his gaze back to the horizon.

"Sirius." Josephine quickly wipes under her eyes before walking through the tower to sit next to him. The chill in the air makes her shiver, but she ignores it, gripping the cold railing.

Sirius seems rather blank, with a cigarette dangling from his hand, barely lifted to his lips. His gray eyes stare out at the landscape. They are lighter than Regulus's, with more of a blue tint. Their shades of hair are very similar, though Regulus has more curls.

Josie looks away from him and up at the stars. "You alright?" Sirius asks as he breaks from his thoughts.

"I'm fine," it actually sounds convincing this time. "Are you alright?"

Sirius shrugs as he leans forward a bit. "I'm alright."

She raises her brow a bit, but Sirius doesn't say anything else.

Usually, if something happens with Regulus' parents, he tells her. Yes, it can take a day or two until he does, but it happens. It has already been a few days, though. Josephine just wishes he would talk to her, or even just ignore her instead of snapping at her.

"Want one?" Sirius holds out a cigarette.

"No, thank you." Sirius shrugs a bit.

The silence hangs heavy now, not a good sign for where her thoughts are spiraling.

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