~Chapter 72~

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Regulus POV

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Regulus POV.

Regulus runs his eyes over the address once more, committing it to memory before folding the parchment and stashing it away.

"It's from Josie?" Pandora inquires, her lips curving into a small smile.

Regulus simply nods, his focus returning to the silk bedsheets beneath him.

Meanwhile, Evan is idly toying with something on Regulus's bookshelf.

"Don't mess anything up," Regulus snaps, irritation flashing in his tone. Evan had already knocked over one of his tables, destroying the decor on top.

"I'm not!" Evan protests.

Rolling his eyes, Regulus settles back further.

"Don't get all pissy just because you can't see Josette," Evan mutters under his breath.

"Shut up," Regulus shoots back, his hand absently playing with one of the rings adorning his pale fingers.

Another meeting is taking place in his home, and as usual, Evan and Pandora's parents are occupied with it, leaving them to linger in Regulus's room—or eavesdrop on the meeting.

"I hope Barty is okay," Pandora murmurs, a note of concern in her voice.

Regulus notices Evan tense at the mention of his name.

"I'm sure he's fine," Regulus reassures them both, though uncertainty lingers in his own mind.

"I wonder what Josie is doing," Pandora muses aloud, breaking the silence once more.

This time, it's Regulus who tenses at the mention of her name.

He can't help but wonder, his nights often consumed by thoughts of her happiness and safety. He hopes she is faring well and that her aunt will be kind to her.

In the quiet of his room, surrounded by the hushed murmurs of the meeting outside, Regulus silently wishes for Josephines well-being.

His gaze drifts to a drawing he had sketched of her just days ago, resting on the table beside his bed.

She is stunning, but the drawing fails to capture the depth of her warmth and beauty.

He knows he had messed up this year, terribly. He regrets it more than anything and wishes he could tell her that.

He would if he could, but every time he tries to say something, anything, it's as if he can't breathe.

From a young age, he learned that the truth isn't always good—it often leads to punishment.

Regulus misses Josephine more than he ever thought possible. The ache of her absence gnaws at him relentlessly.

"Reg?" Evan's voice breaks through his reverie, pulling him back to the present.

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