~Chapter 78~

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Josephine's gaze remains fixed on the water's surface, her mind racing as panic claws its way up her throat

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Josephine's gaze remains fixed on the water's surface, her mind racing as panic claws its way up her throat. Something has pulled Regulus under. He can't swim—he can't—

Suddenly, something seizes her ankle, and she lets out a yelp, brandishing her wand at the unseen assailant. Milky white eyes meet hers. Inferi.

Her eyes widen as its grip tightens.

Waving her wand, she unleashes a burst of flames, causing the creature to hiss and retreat back into the lake.

She mutters the same spell, pointing her wand toward the water. "Do something!" she shouts to Kreacher.

Kreacher approaches and snaps his fingers, conjuring more flames. The bright light illuminates the creatures hidden beneath the surface—too many Inferi, far too many.

Then she spots Regulus, a few feet below the surface. Without hesitation, she aims her wand at the creatures surrounding him, ensuring not to harm him.

As the Inferi scatter or perish, Josephine plunges into the water. The shock of its coldness briefly overwhelms her, but she pushes through. She has to reach Regulus.

He isn't far below the surface. Swimming towards him, she seizes his arm.


He isn't moving.

His eyes are shut.

He can't be—

No. No. No. She refuses to accept it. He isn't dead. He can't be.

With all her strength, Josephine pulls him to the surface, to the middle island of crystals. A cold dread grips her heart.

Her heart races. Regulus can't be dead. He can't be.

Gasping for breath as they reach the surface, she grunts with effort as she drags him onto the shore. His pale skin has taken on a bluish tint.

He isn't breathing.

Isn't breathing.

"Regulus?" She grasps his face, her touch met with coldness.

A spell. She needs a spell. She needs to think.

His heart is racing, pounding so fiercely she fears it might never calm down. Her clothes cling to her skin, a discomfort she barely notices amidst her panic.

Trembling, she aims her wand at his chest and utters an incantation, drawing the water from his lungs.

The water floats out, dissipating into nothingness. Regulus chokes, coughing as he expels the remaining water from his mouth.

"Oh, thank Merlin," she sobs softly, resting her head on his chest, listening to the reassuring rhythm of his heartbeat.

It's slow. Too slow. But he is alive.

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