~Chapter 81~

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"Josephine?" Regulus enters the bedroom, holding a letter in his hands

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"Josephine?" Regulus enters the bedroom, holding a letter in his hands.

"Yes?" Josie glances up briefly from her book.

Regulus looks sharp, dressed in all black, with his hair falling slightly over his eyes. She admires the sharpness of his jaw, the way the sunlight casts a golden hue on him.

"You've got a letter," he murmurs, approaching the bed.

Furrowing her brows, Josie sits up and places her book beside her.

The letter is still sealed shut. Grabbing it from his hands, her fingers brush against his as she quickly tears it open.

She knows what it is. An order meeting.

Even though she wishes it weren't.

She stares at the contents of the letter: an address and a time.

Today, at 4.

Josephine frowns as she folds it. "Order meeting," she mumbles, setting the letter on the bed.

Regulus reaches for her hands, stopping her from picking at her nails. Gently, he rubs his thumb over her knuckles.

Josie sucks in a breath. "I'll have to see Tom too."

Regulus tightens his grip, concern filling his eyes.

"It's fine," she says, though she isn't sure if she's saying it for him or for herself.

"Maybe I could just Polyjuice myself into you," Regulus mumbles.

A slow smile spreads across her face before she laughs softly. Regulus's lips twitch slightly.

"I'll be fine, Regulus. I've been going to these meetings for a while."

His small smile fades.

"I'll be okay," she assures with a fake smile.


It's time for the meeting. She has just sent a letter to Tom.

Josephine starts to get up from her desk when she feels something appear in her hand.

Her brows furrow as she opens her fist to reveal the crumpled note. She uncrumples it. An address is there, with his name below it.

He wants to meet somewhere new?

She frowns at the address. "Regulus?" Josie gets up from her chair and walks over.

Regulus looks up from the sofa. "What's wrong?" He sits up.

"Can you find where this address is? It's where Tom wants to meet."

Regulus nods before grabbing the paper.

For the Order meeting, they have connected her fireplace to the Floo network, so at least she can use that to get there.

Regulus flicks his eyes back up to her face. He is still sitting on the sofa, her standing in front of him.

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