~Chapter 11~

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"I'll cut your hair while you're asleep," Josie snaps as Evan pulls her through Honeydukes.

"Barty loves my hair," he replies.

"That has nothing to do with our conversation," she mutters, unsure how Evan has persuaded her to enter Honeydukes with him.

"Oh, come on!" Evan complains, gazing at an empty spot on the shelves. "They're all out."

She sighs at his disappointed expression. "I'll go ask someone if they have any in the back," she says, weaving through students to reach the counter.

She has no idea where the rest of her friends have gone.

"Sorry," she mutters to the boy she bumps into.

"Hi, Josie."

She turns to find James.

"Hello, James," she replies, conflicted about their relationship. Though they aren't on bad terms, she can't quite define her feelings.

Sighing, she continues to the counter, spotting an employee before she reaches it.

"Excuse me," she says to the girl. "Do you have any Citrus Twists in the back?"

The girl turns from stocking a shelf. "I think I have some in here," she replies, handing Josie a box.

"Thank you—" Josie is cut off by a loud bang echoing through the store. She flinches.

"Sorry!" a voice yells. Someone has evidently caused an explosion in a corner of the store.

Josie sighs, taking the candy box. "Thank you," she tells the girl before leaving.

Her head hurts, as it often does. Perhaps due to her tendency to skip meals. Loud sounds only make it worse.

"Here," she hands the box to Evan once she gets to him. "I'm leaving the store now; my head hurts." Without waiting for his reply, she navigates through the crowd and exits.

Once outside, she breathes a sigh of relief, her headache intensifying. Maybe she should grab something to eat.

"Josephine," a familiar voice calls from behind her.

"Hello," she greets, turning slightly in Regulus' direction before he catches up to her.

"Are you alright?" he asks as she brings a hand up to rub her temple.

"Fine, are you alright?" Regulus glances at her as if he knows she is lying. Honestly, he probably does. She wonders how he always picks up on it.

What tell does she have that gives away her lies?

But it is only him who ever sees through them.

"I'm alright," he replies.

She hums in acknowledgment as the pounding in her head persists.

"Have you eaten?"

"Have you?" she retorts.

Regulus doesn't reply. She turns her head to look at him, finding him already studying her.

"I have," she lies, trying not to betray herself.

"Don't lie," he says, shaking his head. His gray eyes continue to analyze her.

"I'm not," she lies again.

"Come on," Regulus nods toward the Three Broomsticks.

She sighs before following him in that direction.

Upon arrival, Regulus opens the door for her, and she walks in. The noise inside indicates that many students are present. Regulus walks toward a table near the back, and she quickly follows.

Lightheadedness starts to set in. When was the last time she ate?

The table is discreetly placed away from the view of others. Regulus gestures for her to sit first before taking his seat.

Sighing, she places a hand on her forehead, hoping for some relief from the cool touch. Unfortunately, her hands are warm.

Regulus' eyes continue to scrutinize her.

"I'm fine," she repeats once more.

Regulus glares at her. "Your head hurts."

"So what?" Then she remembers his hands are always cold. Maybe she can just ask—no, she doesn't want to be annoying.

Even if the coldness could alleviate her headache a bit. Josephine places her arm on the table and lays her head down.

"I said I'm fine, go do whatever you want to," she mumbles.

"I want to be here," he replies. Then he stands up from the chair and walks over to the counter to ask for something.

She doesn't want people to sacrifice their desires to help her. Josephine closes her eyes while letting out a breath.

She isn't sure why she feels like crying at this moment. She is accustomed to taking care of herself. Even as a child, she understood that if she needed or wanted something, no one was going to get it for her. She needed to get it for herself.

So perhaps she dislikes how Regulus seems to care for her.

Regulus returns after a few seconds. "Drink," he says, handing her a glass of water.

Josie sits back up and takes a few sips of the cold water, then she lays her head back down.

Regulus has gotten himself a butterbeer; he sets the glass down, his hand on the table.

Without thinking, she reaches a hand out to fiddle with some of his rings. She tries not to look at him as she twists one of the many rings on his finger.

"Your hands are always cold," she mutters to him. She has said it before, she is sure of it. Regulus's lips twitch slightly.

"Would it help your headache?"


"The cold," Regulus tilts his head.

"Probably." She takes her hand away from his rings, and he moves his hand from the table to her forehead.

She sighs in relief at the coldness.

"We need to leave soon," she says, her voice laced with tiredness. Maybe she is overworking herself a bit too much.

"We can stay a few more minutes," he replies in a whispered tone.

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