~Chapter 7~

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"Thank you," she says to Professor Flitwick as he hands her the piece of paper containing her schedule

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"Thank you," she says to Professor Flitwick as he hands her the piece of paper containing her schedule.

"I'm thrilled to have you in my seventh-year Charms class this year. Well done, Miss Potter," Flitwick remarks with a smile.

"Thank you, sir," she replies, returning the smile before making her way to the Ravenclaw table.

She takes a seat beside Pandora, who greets her with a tired smile. Dorcas is still in their dorm, while Regulus and Evan are seated at the Slytherin table.

Evan leans closer to Josephine. "Do we have Runes together this year?" he asks with an anxious expression.

She simply hands him her schedule.

"We do! I get to cheat off your work again," Evan mumbles under his breath, earning a glare from Regulus. "Not that I would ever copy Josette's paper," he hastily adds.

Regulus appears fatigued, Josephine observes. The bags under his eyes seem darker than usual. She resolves to check on him later and inquire about how he knows about the attack.

Evan glances back at Josie's schedule. "You're taking seventh-year Charms?" He looks up, his wide blue eyes reflecting surprise.

"Yes," she affirms simply.

Glancing at Josephine's schedule in Evan's hands, Regulus raises his eyebrows in surprise.

Taking the paper from Evan, Josephine offers them both a smile before turning her attention to her food, feigning interest.

"You're in seventh-year Charms?" Pandora inquires.

"Yes," Josie confirms with a hum.

"You're incredibly intelligent," Pandora murmurs.

It doesn't strike Josephine as a significant achievement. Perhaps it's because she has spent years downplaying her intelligence and capabilities.

"You're quite intelligent yourself, Pandora."

"Thank you," Pandora beams brightly.

Josephine mostly toys with her food on the plate until Dorcas arrives and sits down.

"I don't like this school," Dorcas sighs, burying her head in her hands. "It's too early for all this."

Josie's lips twitch as she observes Dorcas cycling through various stages of denial. Pandora comforts Dorcas by rubbing her shoulder. "Just think, you'll see Marlene later today," Pandora offers.

"Thank you for that," Dorcas straightens up.

"I have to go, or I'll be late," Josephine announces, taking another sip of tea before grabbing her bag, rising from her seat, and leaving the Great Hall. Technically, she could linger a few moments longer, but she prefers arriving early.

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