~Chapter 84~

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The next two chapters take place over the entire school year

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The next two chapters take place over the entire school year. (basically nothing is gonna happen in their seventh year other than these important things SO I decided to skip.)

As they settle into their seats for the first dinner of the year, Dumbledore begins his speech, but Josephine finds herself not really listening, lost in a tinge of melancholy. It's her last year, and the arrival of a new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher adds to her wistfulness.

Regulus catches her eye and offers a small smile, which she returns, grateful for his silent support.

"I would like to introduce our new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, Sky Griffins," Dumbledore announces, gesturing to a blond man who stands up.

He seems young, perhaps in his thirties, with dark eyes that gleam as he waves to the students, a smirk playing on his lips.

A sense of unease settles over Josephine as she watches him, sensing that she won't quite warm up to him.


Josephine forgot about her meeting with Tom. Earlier that day, she had an Order meeting, and now she is going to be late for her meeting with Tom.

Trying to be as quiet as possible, Josie slips out of Regulus's bed. Merlin, he is a light sleeper. "Josephine?" His tired voice emerges, slightly muffled under the duvet.

"Go back to sleep," she whispers, her movements swift but gentle as she dresses. It's around one in the morning.

Regulus lifts his head from the pillow, the covers falling away from his face, his hair tousled. He looks at her through half-lidded eyes, blinking slowly. "Where are you going?" he asks as she begins to put on her shoes.

Her hands still near the laces for a moment. "I have to go meet Tom," she whispers.

Regulus sits up more at that, concern etched on his features.

But Josie doesn't meet his gaze, focusing on tying her shoes. "Go back to sleep, Regulus. I'll be fine, and I'll come back after," she assures him.

He gives her a hesitant look, knowing he can't stop her. "Be safe," he whispers.

Josie forces a smile before quietly leaving his dorm, careful not to disturb Evan and Barty, who are still asleep.

Navigating through the Slytherin common room is easy, as it's deserted at this hour. Sneaking through the Hogwarts halls, Josephine slips into the passageway without a hitch, slipping effortlessly into her accustomed facade.

She hates it, every moment of it, but it's like a second skin to her now.

Opening the door at the end of the passageway, she gazes at the Shrieking Shack. Exhaling slowly before walking towards it and stepping inside.

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