~Chapter 64~

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Time skip end of school year(you guys said I was TOO specific last time

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Time skip end of school year(you guys said I was TOO specific last time....and I hate math)

Josephine winces, her finger pricked by the dagger Hagrid has given her, as she lightly smears the crimson liquid onto the lock. With a click, the box slowly opens.

The school year is drawing to a close, today marking their final day there. Lately It is a routine of order meetings, encounters with Tom, and lessons with Professor Rivers, punctuated recently by exhausting exams.

Staring at the ring snugly placed in the box, Josie is leaving the Horcruxes there once more, this time fortified with excessive protections. She ponders the feasibility of crafting a protection spell requiring the caster's blood for access—it seems plausible.

Closing the box slowly, she refrains from touching the ring. Performing a series of spells on both the ring and the diadem, she returns to the dormitory's main area, concealing the dagger in her bag.

Near the fireplace floats Helena, her ghostly form present.

"Have a good summer, Josephine," Helena's voice wafts lightly.

Approaching Helena, Josie keeps her focus on her nails, admitting, "I plan to find my aunt this summer. Part of me fears she'll blame me for their deaths, despite being unaware of the prophecy."

It is the first time she has vocalized such concerns. Helena frowns in response.

"Sometimes I... I wish I had died the night they did," Josephines voice wavers, barely audible, as if wishing her words unheard.

Silence envelops them. Clearing her throat, Josie forces a small smile. "I'll see you next year," she says before swiftly exiting Helena's dorm.

Josephine descends the girls' dormitory stairs with purpose, her belongings already packed with the assurance that the elves will see them safely onto the train.

Exiting the common room briskly, she realizes she is running a bit behind for breakfast. Hastening her steps, Josie reaches the halfway point before turning a corner and colliding with someone.

As she prepares to offer an apology, she recognizes Marcus. Josephines eyes narrow, and she instinctively reaches for her wand, feeling its reassuring weight in her pocket. "Marcus," she greets, her tone guarded.

A cruel smirk plays on Marcus's lips. "Josie."

"How are your friends, hmm? Still at St. Mungo's?" she inquires, her hand tightening around her wand.

Marcus's eyes narrow in response. "They've fully healed," he replies coldly, his gaze sweeping over her.

"Pity. I should have made their injuries worse," Josephine retorts sharply, meeting his gaze squarely.

Marcus tilts his head, a hint of surprise flickering in his eyes. "Didn't expect you to be so cruel for a Potter," he remarks.

Josephine's narrowed eyes hold his gaze steadily.

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