Chapter 1 - Start.

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[Chapter Length: 1820 Words.]

Unknown MC POV

Somewhere on sea, EastBlue.



Monkey D. Luffy woke up abruptly, his eyelids revealing a dark and confined environment. A strange sensation enveloped his body, pressed against the wooden walls of the barrel, while the rhythmic movements of the sea produced a gentle sway in the structure. Cautiously, he rubbed his eyes as if trying to dispel the fog of sleep and comprehend the reality around him, with blurry images in his head.

The barrel, though confined, had become a peculiar capsule that held the first moments of his memory comeback. The darkness that surrounded him was a veil of uncertainty, but as his senses adjusted, Luffy began to discern familiar details. The worn wood under his fingers, the muffled echoes of the ocean around, and the continuous motion of the waves—all indicated that he was in a place that, though initially unknown, carried an iconic atmosphere.

This awakening inside the barrel, once mysterious, became the introduction to the rebirth of a new Monkey D. Luffy in a revamped world. His now perceptive eyes explored the confined space, capturing details that identified it as a unique starting point and reflecting on his situation.

At every moment, Luffy's awareness gained clarity about his unique situation.
"Where the hell am I? I remember dying..." he murmured to himself, scratching his head in the darkness. It felt like a dream, but as time passed, he became more aware of his situation.
Luffy didn't have much time to think because soon a flood of memories began to surface inside his head, between a past life and a new life that he had lived in this world before this moment.
'I'll be more powerful, and I'll never be caught!'
'I will be more powerful.'
'I will be.'
'No, it will be me.'
'You kids are so funny, Dahahahahahaha!' An adult man wearing a straw hat laughed, watching the two children with an amused look.
'Luffy, you are too childish,' someone commented, expressing a mix of concern and understanding.
'She's right, Luffy,' another added, agreeing with the previous assessment.
'You girls don't understand. I'll be a great pirate and will rule all the seas!' Luffy asserted, excited and full of confidence.
'Tsk, I don't like that dream, Luffy. I want a world where people live happily,' Uta expressed discontent.
'It's a beautiful dream, Uta. I want to bring justice to the world!'
'Uta, I have a bad feeling about this journey...' Luffy commented, a wrinkle of concern marking his forehead.
'I'll be fine, silly. Remember our promise?' Uta replied, displaying a reassuring smile.
'That we would stay together? But that was weird; I still don't understand.'
'You'll find out in the future. Fufufufu.' Uta laughed mysteriously, leaving a suspenseful aura in the air.
'I hate you, Shanks!' Luffy shouted and ran out with tears in his eyes.
'Shanks... why...?' The boy cried on the man's chest.
'I couldn't let a boy die, could I?' Shanks replied, his voice conveying compassion.
'But... your arm!' The boy tried to avoid looking where Shanks had lost his arm to save him. Even though he was a good swimmer, he couldn't go back to the village with that sea monster, but Shanks still saved him.
'I swear, this is my dream. One day, I'll have a crew that will be the most powerful ever in this world. I will be the strongest pirate and man of all! No one will stop me, whether it's you or Lucy!' The boy shouted with his childish voice but seemed quite sincere.
'Dahahahahahaha. I liked hearing that, Luffy. Let's make a promise then.' Shanks said, taking off his hat and putting it on a confused Luffy.
'You see, this hat is very precious to me. I want you to wear it until the day you become a great pirate, and you have to protect your sister too; she is very special.' Shanks said with a casual tone, but no one could imagine the weight behind those words.
'This... your hat, Shanks?' Luffy and Lucy looked at the man in surprise.

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