Chapter 54 - Attacking Marine Base 16 Part 1.

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[Chapter Size: 3219 Words.]
Third Person POV
Somewhere at sea, East Blue.



"So we'll meet later..." Lami announced on the marine ship, securing it to the dinghy with Krieg's prisoners, who looked annoying as they cried for freedom. Luffy didn't even feed them properly, so the group could only cry when their sizes returned to normal.

"Yeah, I decreased the temporary weight of the ship to make it easier to take it to the next naval base. Don't forget to say that you took this ship from us after a confrontation; maybe the marines will reward you with some gold, and I don't want to miss that opportunity," Luffy told Lami.

"Wait, Luffy, why is she leaving? Isn't there a base near Cocoyasi Village Island? Wouldn't Base Naval 16 be faster for Lami?" Nami asked, even making Lami look at Luffy with questioning eyes, expecting him to clarify this.

"Well, it's the same base that should take care of Arlong, but for some strange and very corrupt reason, in my opinion, the pirate has been dominating that area for almost 10 years without the marines interfering, right?" Luffy asked Nami, who quickly understood what the captain was talking about, as she knew how corrupt the marines of that base were and had strong connections with Arlong.

"I understand..." Lami also understood.

"And more importantly, why would I deliver pirates to a base that I plan to rob at the next stop?" Luffy smiled, earning raised eyebrows from those who heard it.

"What do you mean, Luffy?" Kuina asked a bit cautiously.

"Our first stop before Arlong is Base Naval 16; I plan to loot that place before moving on..." Luffy had a sadistic smile as he spoke these words.

"The marines will be very angry about this..." Zoro commented.

"It's not like we haven't attacked a base before, right, Zoro?" Luffy retorted.

"Whatever, I hope to find someone to fight..." Zoro muttered.

"Anyway, let's say our goodbyes. I hope to see you later. Maybe delivering Arlong after our crew destroys a marine base will raise a lot of suspicions for you, so I believe this is the last time you deliver any pirate as a supposed rising pirate hunter." Luffy said, and Lami nodded.

Saying goodbye to everyone, Lami started her dinghy and moved away from Luffy, pulling the marine ship behind her.

"Now let's set this beautiful new ship on course and continue our journey!" Luffy, asking Nami to start navigating it.

Cutting through the stormy waters, the "Black Pearl" emerges from the shadows of the horizon, a sight that would be feared by all seas in the future. Its hull, bathed in a deep ebony, absorbs the sunlight, giving the vessel a sinister and majestic appearance. At the front, the bow is crowned by an Ifrit head carved in obsidian, roaring towards the horizon with imaginary flames dancing in its fiery eyes.

The masts, tall like black spires piercing the sky, support black sails that seem to absorb light rather than reflect it. Each sail is adorned with ancient runes, a mystical touch that adds an aura of dark magic to the ship. The crew's flag, a skull symbol with a straw hat crossed over two crossed bones, fiercely flutters at the top of the main mast.

The main deck of the "Black Pearl" is a choreography of movement orchestrated by the skilled crew. Black cannons, embedded on the sides, give the vessel an intimidating and menacing air, just like at the front and rear, making the ship retaliate from all sides against attacks at sea. The polished wood, carved with intricate patterns, bears witness to the craftsmanship that shaped this naval masterpiece.

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