Chapter 157 - World News 02.

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[Chapter Size: 2000 Words.]

Third Person POV

Somewhere in the sea, First Half of Grandline.



Luffy, holding the newly received wanted posters, frowned as he pondered the bounties. "This is strange..." He murmured more to himself than to the others, but his voice was enough to draw Nojiko's attention.

"What is it, Luffy?" Nojiko asked, approaching with a curious look.

Luffy held up Hugo's poster. "I can understand that Nami and Yamato didn't have a change, or that Vivi and Karoo aren't in the bounties because the Marines still believe Vivi is the princess of Alabasta. But what I find strange is Hugo's bounty. He didn't do anything to deserve 150 million..."

Hugo, who was close enough to hear, nodded with a thoughtful look. "It's true, I just fought against some marines and Baroque Works agents and... wait!" A sudden realization seemed to hit him.

Luffy completed Hugo's line of thought. "Exactly, they found out about our fight in the desert. Probably a rebel took a photo, it's very likely that our fight will appear in the newspaper tomorrow. Two Mythical Akuma no Mi in the same crew like ours, would certainly shock the world..."

Robin, who approached with her usual calmness, intervened. "This will be worse for us, we already have a quite large amount of bounties on our heads." Her voice was soft.

Luffy nodded in agreement. "Yes, but we can't do anything anyway. Just strengthen ourselves to face whatever they send for us." His determination was clear.

At that moment, Kuina, with her poster in hand, joined the group. "And what will we do now?" Her question was direct, reflecting the curiosity and anxiety of the entire crew.

Luffy looked at his companions, a smile forming on his lips. "You can enjoy and celebrate your bounties. We will have another feast without training this day to celebrate." His statement was met with a mix of relief and excitement. While many seemed happy, others, like Chopper, cried in a corner, complaining about their small bounties.

The day passed with a great celebration, however, the tranquility lasted only one night. The next morning, shocking news from the newspaper rocked the ship.

Luffy, with the newspaper in hand, laughed at the photo on the cover. It was him in his Ifrit form, immense and powerful, fighting the Titan in the Alabasta desert. Even before growing to 200 meters, he was an impressive sight, a force of nature ablaze before the sand giant. However, the headline was what really caught attention:

"A crew with two Mythical Zoans?! Disagreements among the Straw Hat members, the kind of argument that shocks the world! How a fight between the captain and one of his members, Hugo, turned into a brawl between mythical creatures!"

The article detailed the battle in the desert, speculating on the reasons for the confrontation and describing with admiration and fear the powers of Luffy and Hugo. It talked about Luffy's transformation into Ifrit and how he demonstrated similar abilities in Loguetown, in addition to trying to dissect the mysterious and fearsome powers of Hugo.

"Don't believe everything you read," Luffy said with a smile, folding the newspaper. "But it's good to know that they recognize our strength."

The day passed with training this time, as they ignored the newspaper, expecting something like this, but the next day came what happened in Alabasta.

However, the routine of training was interrupted the next day by more news from Alabasta. Luffy, holding the new newspaper, gathered the crew on deck to share the latest information. The main headline "Chaos in Alabasta" immediately captured everyone's attention. With a calm expression, Luffy began to read aloud.

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